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When posting engine pics...


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Do us all a favor....and look it over first. see if there's maybe a spot or two that needs a bit of....touch up....to make that engine bay REALLY pop!

















Posted on another forum i'm on :lol::help::help:

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AS much as I’m sure the owner would like to say different…that IS just flith. :lol:

The reason for the pic…someone was looking for engine bay pics of bagged trucks for info:

Im bout the raise the cross member and the Y pipe and re-do the front wells as nice as I can and need some photos of how some of you guys relocated some things that are in the way.. (fuse box, battery, over flow.. etc.) The more detailed the better.

Ive been thumbin threw threads with hundreds of pictures and only pulled a few. Any help would be greatly appreciated..

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Looks like the car has been in the body shop. That looks like body shop sanding dust. Also looks like a laying frame kinda GM truck with the wheel wells in the bay. but agree with you I would wait to show it if it looked that bad. lol


That was my guess to, and while typing, I realized you beat me to it.

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