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Texting and Driving


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The following picture came from a Facebook page that I follow. The person was texting and driving. Drove right into the back of a gasoline tanker truck.

I like the sign in the window of the "tow" truck!!





I'm thinking this should become a national billboard!!!

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Alllllll too common. It never ceases to amaze me the lack of responsibility and lack of awareness people have when driving. Is that text message really worth the life of another human being? I wish a pop up with that message would come up each time someone tried to text and drive. Unfortunately, I still don't think people would change people's actions.

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I see it all the time. One morning, a week or so ago, on the way out to my route I saw a woman steering with her elbows and texting. The very next day I saw a woman with a bowl of cereal in the left hand and texting with the right. Steering with her knees. I sit high enough that I could see in.

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I really hope that a few people get sued really hard for texting and driving accidents, and then the insurance companies and lawmakers will really take notice. Maybe name the phone companies as plaintiffs, too. I'm already hearing that commercial companies are telling employees not to text and drive since if they got in an accident while driving for the company the company could be sued. Normally I hate lawsuits, but in this case I think they need to go to town and sue, sue, sue until people are finically afraid to text/talk and drive.

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A 17 year old kid went to jail last week for this... He killed a 57 or so year old man when he crossed the line. The man was walking down the road with his G/F. The boy gets one year, plus community service, and can't get his license back for 15 years.


Seems pretty light to me. He killed a man!!!

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A 17 year old kid went to jail last week for this... He killed a 57 or so year old man when he crossed the line. The man was walking down the road with his G/F. The boy gets one year, plus community service, and can't get his license back for 15 years.


Seems pretty light to me. He killed a man!!!


Should be manslaughter, if not first/second degree murder since any sane individual knowingly opted to carelessly operate a vehicle (weapon) in which they knew that their negligence could, in consequence, kill another individual.


Sorry if I seem nuts.

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Should be manslaughter, if not first/second degree murder since any sane individual knowingly opted to carelessly operate a vehicle (weapon) in which they knew that their negligence could, in consequence, kill another individual.


Sorry if I seem nuts.


The driver did not intend to kill someone through thier actions so murder 1/2 is not appropriate. However, the driver chose to act negligently by texting. It should hold the same penalties as if the driver killed someone when they were drinking and driving. Ability impaired by technology. Start treating it like a DUI and people will stop doing it (mostly). Unfortuantly, it would be percieved as more governent and a source of income for the city/county/ etc if they start hammering down on this.

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This is a video released in the U.K. a while back. I've seen it many times, and is really graphic but it's meant to get the message out. There really needs to be more of these made here in the U.S. to help spread the word about this.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I54mlK0kVw&feature=related]PSA Texting and Driving, U.K., August 2009, (HQ) Master Original Video - YouTube[/ame]

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The driver did not intend to kill someone through thier actions so murder 1/2 is not appropriate. However, the driver chose to act negligently by texting. It should hold the same penalties as if the driver killed someone when they were drinking and driving. Ability impaired by technology. Start treating it like a DUI and people will stop doing it (mostly). Unfortuantly, it would be percieved as more governent and a source of income for the city/county/ etc if they start hammering down on this.


That sounds more reasonable haha

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The sad thing is that people are aware about how bad it is, but they do it anyway. They have the attitude that they're good at texting, so it won't happen to them. I doubt any more billboards or movies would have much effect.

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This is a video released in the U.K. a while back. I've seen it many times, and is really graphic but it's meant to get the message out. There really needs to be more of these made here in the U.S. to help spread the word about this.



One of the best ones!



"mommy daddy wake up" OMG, that tears at my heart strings! :(

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I posted that video on camaro5 and on TIPB (the iPhone blog) almost two years ago, it was interesting the responses it got. I also cited studies showing that while texting ones reaction time is as bad as a drunk drivers. On the iPhone site I got serious resistance. They were so sure that they could do this task. One guy said he was a cop and he got so irate and started calling me names and threatening me! It was so bizarre!!! Anyhow, since then, it has been made illegal here in Nevada but I still see it happen everyday. I swear, I wanna buy a train horn and scare the crap outta them! But, that would probably cause and accident.


On the camaro site, It got mostly indifference?!?! (i have since been banned for life from camaro5, i lost my temper on a different subject and said some things I shouldn't have) I guess when enough people die, then maybe something will get done. Until then watch out for self centered, self important, egomaniacs on the road! Because they sure as heck don't care about anyone else but themselves! Whew! This topic pisses me off!



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Sad thing is that all they would have to do is make it so you could not send or receive text messages if the phone is traveling past 10mph. The phones all have GPS, or even from just the cell towers they already have the technology for that to happen through just a software enhancement with the phone itself. Problem solved.

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Sad thing is that all they would have to do is make it so you could not send or receive text messages if the phone is traveling past 10mph. The phones all have GPS, or even from just the cell towers they already have the technology for that to happen through just a software enhancement with the phone itself. Problem solved.


Which would suck if you were a passenger and wanted to text someone which is perfectly safe.

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The sad thing is that people are aware about how bad it is, but they do it anyway. They have the attitude that they're good at texting, so it won't happen to them. I doubt any more billboards or movies would have much effect.



I have an Irish background, and apt at drinking. That doesn't make me a good drunk driver.

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Which would suck if you were a passenger and wanted to text someone which is perfectly safe.


Yes that would suck, but if it were that important you could have the driver pull over or just make a phone call and actually talk to the person in question. IMHO if it saves lives it may be worth the minor inconvenience. Unless there is a better way????



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Which would suck if you were a passenger and wanted to text someone which is perfectly safe.


Its a small price to pay if it makes the roads safer. I am sure people could wait until they get home or if you are in a car as the passenger you could reply when the driver is at a red light since the car is going under 10mph. People were able to manage before texting came to be.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm completely against texting and driving. I'm glad it's illegal to do here in Massachusetts yet I still see people doing it all the time. The thing is, people are stupid, and it's hard to legislate common sense. And when you try to make something idiot-proof, someone just comes up with a better idiot.

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Yes that would suck, but if it were that important you could have the driver pull over or just make a phone call and actually talk to the person in question. IMHO if it saves lives it may be worth the minor inconvenience. Unless there is a better way????



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The problem with this is all the people who ride public transportation too. Riding buses or trains, these people want to use their phone in anyway - and they should be able to do so.



Once it is outlawed and punishable by a steep enough fine, the incidence will begin to drop. Will it stop, no. Just like speeding tickets don't stop speeding or running red lights hasn't stopped or DUI hasn't stopped I don't expect texting while driving to totally stop either. Can we educated and make consequences, most definitely!

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Here's a case that just wrapped up in Massachusetts last week for a teen who was texting while driving. I'm sure there will be more in the future with possible longer jail time to send a message to others (not a text message of course). But like DaveVY said it won't stop.


Massachusetts teen convicted of homicide in texting-while-driving case - CNN

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Here's a case that just wrapped up in Massachusetts last week for a teen who was texting while driving. I'm sure there will be more in the future with possible longer jail time to send a message to others (not a text message of course). But like DaveVY said it won't stop.


Massachusetts teen convicted of homicide in texting-while-driving case - CNN


This is the one I spoke of above... He got off easy IMO.

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This is the one I spoke of above... He got off easy IMO.


Everything is easy when it comes to driving. Look at the price of a ticket. The only thing that I see them cracking down somewhat on is DUI. Even that could be a little tougher IMO. If the consequence is set high, more people would stop and think about their actions. Or atleast I would like to hope so.

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It's like everything else. The few bad apples make it worse for the rest that are responsible and know how to handle that responsibility. So as a society we are forced to come up with solutions like the no texting while the phone is moving more than ten

Miles per hour. I am totally willing to vote for that. It seems to me that if there is a safer way to keep people from texting and driving, that it trumps people's "feeling like" they wanna text while on a bus or as a passenger. It is such a small inconvenience compared to the overall Benefit. And, really, it's just texting. Who cares if there is a restriction put on it? Is it really THAT important???



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