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At one point, one of these little ****s says "all your family killed themselves because they can't stand to be around you"

Come to find out, the bus monitors son took his own life the previous year. People make me sick. Discipline your kids for god sakes. No wonder bullying is so bad today. ****s ridiculous.


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Making The Bus Monitor Cry (Mirror) - YouTube


At one point, one of these little ****s says "all your family killed themselves because they can't stand to be around you"

Come to find out, the bus monitors son took his own life the previous year. People make me sick. Discipline your kids for god sakes. No wonder bullying is so bad today. ****s ridiculous.



Seriously. So many parents think their kids are little angels/the greatest thing on earth. Some kids are raised right, of course, but a lot of them are just punk trash.

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^ I agree!! And parents are rather lazy. They just hand them a phone to keep them entertained, the kids around my place are left to ride their bikes in behind cars in the complex parking lot.. Which makes me mad considering there is a huge mowed field right beside the complex. I dunno but that where my kids would be playing. It'll take one of them being hit to give the parents a wake up call

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I wonder how many of the parents think, "my kid would never do that", and have their heads in the dirt. I saw that yesterday and thought that was the most disgusting thing I had seen in a long time.


I can honestly say that my kid wouldn't do that. When we go are out and about he is always going out of his way to help people, especially the elderly. Always holding the doors and what not, or picking something up for someone that they may have dropped.


I don't know what the punishment should be, but I did read that police where gaurding their houses. They are lucky that I wasn't on that bus, even as a classmate I would have stood up to them.


I just hope their parents and the law come down hard on them. There is no excuse at all for this behavior.

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Seriously. So many parents think their kids are little angels/the greatest thing on earth. Some kids are raised right, of course, but a lot of them are just punk trash.


The sad thing some of the parents are this way too. Years ago I came home to find Arby's trash all over my front yard. The neighbor kids would sit on my lawn and shoot hoops in the street. Basketball hoop on other side of street. I asked who had left all their trash on my front lawn and they told me where the culprits lived. When down and mom answered the door. I was very nice and told her that I didn't mind the kids being on my lawn just asking if they would pick up their trash. She rolls her eyes at me and say's "I guess so". I asked her if she would please throw this away for me so I wouldn't have to haul it back down the street. Her response was "no, you can". I said "no, you can", and dumped it on her porch. A few minutes later here comes the husband all fired up. When I explained to him the situation, he understood and apologized for his kids and wife.

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The sad thing some of the parents are this way too. Years ago I came home to find Arby's trash all over my front yard. The neighbor kids would sit on my lawn and shoot hoops in the street. Basketball hoop on other side of street. I asked who had left all their trash on my front lawn and they told me where the culprits lived. When down and mom answered the door. I was very nice and told her that I didn't mind the kids being on my lawn just asking if they would pick up their trash. She rolls her eyes at me and say's "I guess so". I asked her if she would please throw this away for me so I wouldn't have to haul it back down the street. Her response was "no, you can". I said "no, you can", and dumped it on her porch. A few minutes later here comes the husband all fired up. When I explained to him the situation, he understood and apologized for his kids and wife.


Unreal... :willy:

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These little punk a$$ delinquents are from Rochester. This is big news in town. Folks want to find these kids and beat them. The school board is planning to take action from the sounds of it.

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Just read the article too. Here it is for the rest of you. Glad to see there was some good that came out of this!


The video is heartbreaking: a pack of junior high boys berating a 68-year-old school bus monitor in upstate New York. She's brought to tears as the students pepper her with profane put-downs about her weight, age, livelihood and more.

"You're not sweating?" one kid asks her. "Why's there water down your face?"

"I'm crying," she responds.

"She probably misses her box of Twinkies," taunts another boy.

But for all the bad brought on by the juveniles, comes an even better story of compassion and goodwill.

The viral video, which one of the boys reportedly posted on Facebook, has caught the attention of scores of people who've pledged more than $200,000 (as of Thursday afternoon and growing) to send Karen Klein on a vacation.

The astonishing outpouring of support was started by Max Sidorov, a 25-year-old Toronto nutritionist who saw the video and on Wednesday launched a campaign on the crowd-source fundraising website Indiegogo.

"She doesn't earn nearly enough ($15,506) to deal with some of the trash she is surrounded by," Sidorov wrote on the site. "Let's give her something she will never forget, a vacation of a lifetime!"

His initial goal of $5,000 was shattered within hours. Strangers from around the world have shared the story on social networks and pledged amounts of $5 to hundreds.

"Karen, I am sorry for what you have endured," a woman commented on the campaign page. "Humanity and kind heartedness does still exist."

Sidorov says he knows why so many have responded so quickly.

"Bullies," he told the Los Angeles Times. "That's the real reason. People want to stand up for the little guy, and everybody just forwarded it. I just had a good idea, and everybody else took it and ran with it."

Klein, a grandmother who drove a school bus for 20 years and has been a monitor for three, said she's "kind of numb" from the generosity.

School officials and police in Greece, N.Y., are now investigating.

"Sometimes you expect kids to be like they acted, but not that bad. They weren't that bad all year," Klein told WYSR-TV. "That one day, I don't know what possessed them."

The father of one of the boys has apologized.

"My heart broke," he told ABC News. "I couldn't believe my son could treat another human being like that."

Nor can a network of good Samaritans who have righted a despicable wrong.

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I would seriously beat the living life out of these kids if I was there. I don't like this kind of crap at all. Its unbelievable how much bullying is going around these days. Everyone points fingers at everyone else but truthfully I think it comes down to the parents; if you teach your kids to respect people ESPECIALLY the elderly stuff like this wouldn't happen. Don't blame the internet, don't blame television, blame the parents for not monitoring their kids and making sure they do not turn into little ******.


Beyond angry. Definitely donating to that woman to help her go on a good vacation and get away from there.

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We all agree that discipline is the issue, but if you even lay a hand on your kid anymore, it's considered abuse. I know this, if my kids ever did or participated in something like that, and I had cops showing up at my door due to the beating that would occur afterwards, I would have a few questions before telling them to essentially get lost. Do you pay for the food to feed them? What about the roof over their heads? The clothes on their backs? What about the extra curricular activities through the school? You don't pay for sh#t? I didn't think so! I would probably be in handcuffs shortly after that, but that is besides the point. I think as a society we have created the monster and unless we realize that some things, such as a swat across the butt or a hand across the mouth sometimes, that things will only get worse.

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We all agree that discipline is the issue, but if you even lay a hand on your kid anymore, it's considered abuse. I know this, if my kids ever did or participated in something like that, and I had cops showing up at my door due to the beating that would occur afterwards, I would have a few questions before telling them to essentially get lost. Do you pay for the food to feed them? What about the roof over their heads? The clothes on their backs? What about the extra curricular activities through the school? You don't pay for sh#t? I didn't think so! I would probably be in handcuffs shortly after that, but that is besides the point. I think as a society we have created the monster and unless we realize that some things, such as a swat across the butt or a hand across the mouth sometimes, that things will only get worse.


My parents taught me respect, and sometimes the lessons involved soap, a stick, a hand or a violent grab of the arm, and there's no doubt I'm a better person for it. I didn't like it at the time, of course, but I'm a better person for it.

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My parents taught me respect, and sometimes the lessons involved soap, a stick, a hand or a violent grab of the arm, and there's no doubt I'm a better person for it. I didn't like it at the time, of course, but I'm a better person for it.


I too got the violent grab and sometimes a smack to the face if I misbehaved. Definitely glad they did it though.

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from what I've heard from talk around here with people in the issue that those kids are going to face some actions, I hope at least. Sad to hear yet another crappy story to come out of Detroit area like this, makes us look even worse than everyone thinks already. Sad to hear this and watched it on the news with my grandparents, sad to even be around them and that they even had to hear that. Im only 22 but when I have kids and hear if they ever did something like that I'd be livid. Some kids just aren't brought up right, those kids are idiot, let alone video taping it. I'm sure the kids that know whats right will be giving those stupid kids the business and will have it like hell at school hopefully.

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I had to turn that off. that INSTANTLY put me in a rage.


I felt exactly the.same way. I immediately went to my younger brothers room and told them if they ever disrespected ANYONE like that I would kick the **** out of them. What they did is total BS

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My parents taught me respect, and sometimes the lessons involved soap, a stick, a hand or a violent grab of the arm, and there's no doubt I'm a better person for it. I didn't like it at the time, of course, but I'm a better person for it.


You got soap? I got Barbasol. YUCK! I started using Barbasol only a few years ago since the smell used to make me gag. :willy: I also have thanked my parents for doing what they did, I know I'm a better person because of it.

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Totally disgusting. Just say this on the news and now here. POS kids with POS parents although one parent was interviewed and said he deal with it but was upset that they posted his address and now he is getting death threats!!!!!! Boo hoo!!!!

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We all agree that discipline is the issue, but if you even lay a hand on your kid anymore, it's considered abuse. I think as a society we have created the monster and unless we realize that some things, such as a swat across the butt or a hand across the mouth sometimes, that things will only get worse.


My parents taught me respect, and sometimes the lessons involved soap, a stick, a hand or a violent grab of the arm, and there's no doubt I'm a better person for it. I didn't like it at the time, of course, but I'm a better person for it.


That is exactly the problem, Dave. :iagree: With you as well, Rich.


Here is my story. This happened several years ago. My son was out of control. I couldn't even tell you what the reason was, I honestly don't remember. Any how, he got a spanking, and sent to his room. There were absolutely no marks on his bottom, but he did have a mark behind his ear, and good size mark on his collar bone. The mark behind his ear was from running around the kitchen table, it is wood, and he tried crawling under it. The mark on his collar bone was from him running up the stairs and falling. It was like a carpet burn. Typical kid running from mom and dad because he knew he was in trouble.


Anyhow he goes to school the next day and DCFS shows up on my porch. The short of the long was they told me don't worry about it. It will be found unsubstantiated for child abuse. Which there was none. I get a letter in the mail with all these BS allegations against me. I decided to fight the accusations. No sooner did I start fighting the state, the city charged me. So I had two fights on my hands. They were telling me to pay X amount of dollars and be good and it will all go away. I thought BS. The wife compares it to the mafia. Anyhow they knew that I wasn't going to give up and it all eventually got dropped, which was the right thing to do. My kid is far from abused. The wife and I both remember getting paddled on the butt as kids, and she and I will both tell you today that we deserved it.


Financially most people would have paid the X amount of dollars, it was cheaper than an attorney. But it was the point.

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Not sure if you guys knew this, but a Toronto man started a flexible funding campaign for this lady. His goal was to raise $5000 for her to go on a all expense paid vacation...with many donations from the public, they've raised over $410 000


Heres the article in the toronto star...World News: Video of bus monitor bullied by students goes viral - thestar.com


and here is the link to the donation site...

Lets Give Karen -The bus monitor- H Klein A Vacation! -- Indiegogo



This is AMAZING....but comon just because she was abused by little kids...you can't reward her with almost half a million dollars. Am I wrong for saying this?

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Yeah that link was in the article posted on the first page.


It is a bit excessive but I'm sure there are some restrictions, she probably won't get all that. Still I think she deserves most of it, simply due to her overall calmness and handling of the situation.

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