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Do you plan your weekends around


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Car washing or detailing? I seem to to that alot. Sat I was in work at 6am starting a detail. Worked until 2 on it. Sun back in @ 5:30am to finish. Did the normal chores like grocery shopping ect. Then back outside @ 4pm to wash the wifes car and wash my truck.

The wife thinks I'm crazy but she likes to have a clean car and I've been doing it this way for 18 plus years.

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Yes. Washing the cars has become part of the weekend routine if we are home. Even though I enjoy it, it is part of the required chores. Even though I'd prefer to sleep, I get up and get out there washing before 8:00 to beat the sun/heat. We had 2 vehicles that were about 10 years old (purchased new). I saw first hand what 10 years of occasional washing and basically no waxing did to the finish of those vehicles. When we were finally fortunate enough to move up and get a couple big boy cars, I vowed to keep them clean. Hell, besides a house, your vehicle is probably your biggest asset....of course, you should take care of it.


Yes, my wife thinks I've gone insane (especially since I'm not really a detail oriented person to begin with)...but, then I remind her to look around here work parking lot and I guarantee she will always have one of the shiniest cleanest cars there (if not THE shiniest)

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In a manner of speaking, yes. I always try to announce my intentions earlier in the week to my wife as to which vehicle and what I'll be doing to it during the upcoming weekend.


That's pretty much my SOP, too -- let the wife know that I'll be hiding in the garage for a good part of the weekend, then get in there and enjoy taking my time with it all. :2thumbs:

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Being from the South, there is only one answer - College Football!

Everything is planned around the game, big or small. A 12:00 start means an early morning, a 3:30 kickoff means you can sleep in a little. If your team is home, you have to wait until Sunday to re-wash ('cause you could not take a dirty car/truck tailgat'n, you washed it Thursday). Sunday is to clean off the bugs, and any barbeque or sausage stains that no-longer-welcome guests may have left behind.

Git your priorities straight son!

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Unless I am going some where then I wash it before I go on the trip

I always do this, too. It's funny I have to start the trip clean, because it makes it that much more frustrating when you get all the bugs and stuff messing up your wash job when you get to your destination (always take a bottle of Waterless Wash).

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In a manner of speaking, yes. I always try to announce my intentions earlier in the week to my wife as to which vehicle and what I'll be doing to it during the upcoming weekend.


That's pretty much my SOP, too -- let the wife know that I'll be hiding in the garage for a good part of the weekend, then get in there and enjoy taking my time with it all. :2thumbs:


Yup gotta keep the wife clued in! I'm to the point where if we talk about weekend plans she already says something like "you can work on your car first", or "you can do your car when we get back". It's not even always detailing, sometimes it's just tinkering or wrenching. I've been known to refer to my wife as "my activities director". Most people get it and laugh but some look very puzzled when I tell them "I'll have to check with my activities director first" ;-)

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