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Used Buttery Wax Today For First Time



and all I can say is AMAZING !!!!


When I finished, I wouldnt believe what I was seeing. The paint looks dripping wet









My dad was never against Adam's products but he was more of a Autozone off the shelf detail guy. Today he helped me detail my car and after using Adam's products he kept repeating how shinny and easy it was. He asked me for the DVD and said he will never use any other product again.

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and all I can say is AMAZING !!!!


When I finished, I wouldnt believe what I was seeing. The paint looks dripping wet









My dad was never against Adam's products but he was more of a Autozone off the shelf detail guy. Today he helped me detail my car and after using Adam's products he kept repeating how shinny and easy it was. He asked me for the DVD and said he will never use any other product again.


Holy moly! that looks killer man. did you apply the americana as well?

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Holy moly! that looks killer man. did you apply the americana as well?


Thanks a lot man :) and no Americana. Just wash/dry with detail spray and then a coat of buttery.


I am waiting for middle of spring to use the Americana. I have some swirls in my paint that I wanna correct with the pc, then clay it for the first time then do the brilliant and then finally Americana.


I wish I knew about Adam's before I bought my car. I never did a two bucket wash, and used regular microfibers from like autozone and those places. When I watched the DVD vol.8, I wanted to kick myself in the face after realizing how to do it the right way.

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Thanks a lot man :) and no Americana. Just wash/dry with detail spray and then a coat of buttery.


I am waiting for middle of spring to use the Americana. I have some swirls in my paint that I wanna correct with the pc, then clay it for the first time then do the brilliant and then finally Americana.


I wish I knew about Adam's before I bought my car. I never did a two bucket wash, and used regular microfibers from like autozone and those places. When I watched the DVD vol.8, I wanted to kick myself in the face after realizing how to do it the right way.


A caution should come in every black or dark color car that states, " CAUTION: Before washing your new watch Adam's Polishes DVD for proper wash methods."


Looks great man:2thumbs:

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A caution should come in every black or dark color car that states, " CAUTION: Before washing your new watch Adam's Polishes DVD for proper wash methods."


Looks great man:2thumbs:


:iagree: yes they defiantly should. When the dealer hands you the keys, he should say "before you start the car, open the glove box". Inside is the Vol.8 DVD. Take your new ride home and then watch the DVD haha


and thanks a lot. I appreciate it :patriot:

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:help:I never used the buttery wax[was always curious]] always the brilliant glaze and then americana. I'm curious when would you use the buttery wax instead of brilliant glaze & americana?

So many people love the stuff, but I thought brilliant glaxe & americana was the best. Should I invest in the buttery[does it serve another purpose] wondering what it would be like or just a waste of $$$$$$$$$$.

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:help:I never used the buttery wax[was always curious]] always the brilliant glaze and then americana. I'm curious when would you use the buttery wax instead of brilliant glaze & americana?

So many people love the stuff, but I thought brilliant glaxe & americana was the best. Should I invest in the buttery[does it serve another purpose] wondering what it would be like or just a waste of $$$$$$$$$$.


I used it because I dont have a coat of americana on it and it was also cold out. I dont wanna wax a whole car in 35* weather with americana. I also wanted to text out the product and OMG it is amazing

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Although Buttery Wax doesn't get talked about as much around here anymore since Americana has been around, it still is a fantastic wax that shines awesome! It was definitely my favorite that I loved before switching to Americana. I still use it on my daily driver accord occasionally

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:iagree:This stuff is incredible!! I used it for the first time today on my '06 White Gp GXP. I washed, clayed (dammed if it there was still old wax to make it bead) and washed again with dish soap. I used the Blue stuff (I know, Adam's Fine Hand Polish) and then I used the yellow stuff (Buttery Wax). And if the paint don't pop, nothing does! We are suppoes to get some rain on Tuesday here in New York so I really want to see how it beads up.


I know many, many, many people say this but I don't know why I waited so long. Easy on, easy off.


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:iagree:This stuff is incredible!! I used it for the first time today on my '06 White Gp GXP. I washed, clayed (dammed if it there was still old wax to make it bead) and washed again with dish soap. I used the Blue stuff (I know, Adam's Fine Hand Polish) and then I used the yellow stuff (Buttery Wax). And if the paint don't pop, nothing does! We are suppoes to get some rain on Tuesday here in New York so I really want to see how it beads up.


I know many, many, many people say this but I don't know why I waited so long. Easy on, easy off.



its crazy. It went on so easy and came off just as easy in cold weather. Not to mention the amazing shine

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Got to say that is sharp. Amazing how black looks when you get some good wax on it. Paint looks in real good shape from the photos. You will be amazed when you clay it, the put the PC on it for the swirls. Follow with the MSS if you got time then BG and Americana. Make sure to post some photos of that. :cheers:

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:help:I never used the buttery wax[was always curious] always the brilliant glaze and then americana. I'm curious when would you use the buttery wax instead of brilliant glaze & americana?

So many people love the stuff, but I thought brilliant glaze & americana was the best. Should I invest in the buttery[does it serve another purpose] wondering what it would be like or just a waste of $$$$$$$$$$.

Buttery wax is a little easier to apply/remove than Americana because it can be used in a broader range of temperatures and even in direct sunlight. While Americana is the best wax you can buy, Buttery is the best bang-for-the-buck.:thumbsup:

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I have some swirls in my paint that I wanna correct with the pc, then clay it for the first time then do the brilliant and then finally Americana.



Make sure you clay before you PC for sure. I have an SS, so I agree, looks great, for a mustang! ;)

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