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Vitamins/Supplement Questions for My Fellow Shineheads

THE Mook

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I am noticing that as I get older, well, I am in pain in my joints and whatnot more than I ever have been. It's not super horrible, but it's annoying. I currently, for the most part, eat pretty okay, but however, I do not take any type of vitamins or supplements. Should I?


I am 35 years old, a former athlete, in decent shape now...but I feel like I am missing something to help keep my system feeling a bit better or more nutrified. If that's even a word!


Anyone, please, if you have some good advice, let me know! I am willing to listen!


Thank You,


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I am 53 and work construction and don't take anything. I guess I just put up with everything that aches and seem to still get along OK. As I see it, it is just part of using up your body the way it was meant to be. This is just my theory and is not meant to put down any one that wants to take anything. Just about everyone else in my family take something but I have never really been interested in taking anything. I guess if the pain does get to a point that would affect my work then I would have to make an exception.

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I took Centrum Silver (it's not just for seniors) for a few years based on articles in Men's Health. I never get sick, so I figure it worked pretty well. Lately I just eat Total Raisin Bran with a banana every morning, and it's ingredient list rivals most multivitamins. I think regular exercise/stretching will play more of a role in improving aches and pains than taking a pill, but as you know diet plays a key part as well.

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I take Vitamin C every morning along with an Omega 3 6 9 tablet. Besides that I just try to eat the best I can. So far I'm in great shape according to my doctor I see regularly.


I used to take straight Fish Oil tablets for a while, then I heard and read some things about staying away from it since the nuclear spill in Japan two years ago in regards to spreading radiation to a lot of the sea life.

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I take Anavite by Gaspari Nutrition. It's a pretty pricey multivitamin, but it works and you can feel it work. They recently changed from a previously orange coated tablet to a natural tablet free from the color additive. That being said, the orange ones were/are highly discounted at about half price... I bought 2 month supplies of them.


Also, on days where I can sleep in I take a melatonin with a valerian root extract tablet. Helps me get a really good night sleep.

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I'm 43 and just within the last year started taking a daily multivitamin and daily fiber supplements. That, combined with getting to the gym a more diligently (just for 30-45 minutes of cardio and a circuit of the various machines) has made me feel A LOT more flexible and energetic. It's amazing how slowly and gradually you can become out of shape and how quickly you can bounce back. :2thumbs:

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If you want to try out a good 3 week diet that is also a cleansing diet you can use this one I attached. It's called an Alkaline diet and keeps you away from all Acid foods that create toxins in your body (muscles, joints, etc) that can help cause aches and injuries.


My acupuncture therapist (also a nutritionist) put me on this after I had two herniated discs in my back last year. It was tough not being able to eat any dairy or enjoy some beers but I couldn't believe how great I felt and I lost about 14 pounds of unwanted weight I put on. I ended up lasting 4 weeks before I went back to my regular eating habits while still trying to avoid bad stuff here and there.


I just started up on it again this week to get rid of these winter pounds I put on to get ready for the detailing season.


Anyone else who is interested should really try it out. If you have any questions let me know. You should try and eat 80-90% of the Alkaline and 20-10% of the Acid. I did 100% Alkaline last year. :thumbsup:

Edited by JBlack151
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If you want to try out a good 3 week diet that is also a cleansing diet you can use this one I attached. It's called an Alkaline diet and keeps you away from all Acid foods that create toxins in your body (muscles, joints, etc) that can help cause aches and injuries.


My acupuncture therapist (also a nutritionist) put me on this after I had two herniated discs in my back last year. It was tough not being able to eat any dairy or enjoy some beers but I couldn't believe how great I felt and I lost about 14 pounds of unwanted weight I put on. I ended up lasting 4 weeks before I went back to my regular eating habits while still trying to avoid bad stuff here and there.


I just started up on it again this week to get rid of these winter pounds I put on to get ready for the detailing season.


Anyone else who is interested should really try it out. If you have any questions let me know. You should try and eat 80-90% of the Alkaline and 20-10% of the Acid. I did 100% Alkaline last year. :thumbsup:



Funny about the alkalines....I am actually low on count in my blood. Weird huh!~

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I'm still a young whipper snapper but have been taking a general multivitamin for over the past year at least. I do some general light workouts (former lacrosse player that played too many times on artificial turf and my knees know it) along with all of the detailing and I feel pretty good. Don't really have any complaints but then they say the fun begins at 30 and life starts at 40...

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multivitamins are always a good choice.


Other then eating right, the best thing you can do is strech regularly, stay hydrated (youd be surprised how many people are dehydrated, 90% of people think they drink enough water when they really dont. If your pee is ever yellow, you dont drink enough water) and make sure you have a good pair of shoes that'll give you the support you need.


I am on my feet 8 hours a day working with patients. I move strechers with 500lb patients on them, i have to pick patients up, put them into chairs, wheelchairs, pull them from one bed to another bed by using the sheet there on. Take them out of there car when they show up to the ER. Perform CPR. All that kind of stuff.

That stuff puts a HUGE stress on every joint in your body. Knees and back espcially. I found that wearing new shoes, and rotating shoes every other day helped so much it was unbelievable. I stopped getting pains in my calves, my knees, and my back.

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Mook although it is best to get the proper nutrition through food a vitamin will not hurt. Just keep in mind that the body can only use so much of the supplement and the rest is just wasted so to speak. The body knows how to process food nutrients because they are natural and are used the proper way. It is natural to feel aches and pains as you get older I know because I am approaching 50.


Light exercise is good. When weather permits walk . It is one of the best exercise routines you can do. Low impact effective and basically everyone can do it . After dinner with the family on your own exploring the neighborhood and it doesn't take that much time away from your life.


I work at a hospital and are on my feet for a long time. I have found that Skechers makes a line of shoes/sneakers whatever you want to call them called "ON -THE-GO " that are lightweight really lightweight that have great support in all the right places. Cushioned soles where most of the foot impact is that could affect your ankle and knee joints from being on your feet constantly . Hope this helps.

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I am noticing that as I get older, well, I am in pain in my joints and whatnot more than I ever have been. It's not super horrible, but it's annoying. I currently, for the most part, eat pretty okay, but however, I do not take any type of vitamins or supplements. Should I?


I am 35 years old, a former athlete, in decent shape now...but I feel like I am missing something to help keep my system feeling a bit better or more nutrified. If that's even a word!


Anyone, please, if you have some good advice, let me know! I am willing to listen!


Thank You,



Hey Mook,


I am about to graduate in two months with my Food Science and Human Nutrition degree, so I have actually learned all of this lol.


The ABSOLUTE best thing to do is eat your normal diet, and then go to a doctor and get all your vitamins and mineral status assessment tests done. That way, with your normal diet, you will know exactly where you are deficient and where you can improve. Then you can improve on eating a well balanced, good diet suited to you exactly.


Taking a multivitamin is great (as said before, you don't need the expensive ones). Centrum men is actually what a lot of my professors take. On top of that, one of the absolute best things you can do for yourself is take a vitamin D supplement. Most people don't know it, but the majority of people are vitamin D deficient. Getting 1000 or 2000 International Units (I U) of Vitamin D in supplement form, in addition to your diet will help bone health and a whole multitude of other factors!


Vitamin D in your multivitamin and the Vitamin D formed from your skin from sun exposure is simply not enough.


Do not take more than one multivitamin a day though!


Hope this helps!

Edited by ihaveacamaro
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If you want to try out a good 3 week diet that is also a cleansing diet you can use this one I attached. It's called an Alkaline diet and keeps you away from all Acid foods that create toxins in your body (muscles, joints, etc) that can help cause aches and injuries.


My acupuncture therapist (also a nutritionist) put me on this after I had two herniated discs in my back last year. It was tough not being able to eat any dairy or enjoy some beers but I couldn't believe how great I felt and I lost about 14 pounds of unwanted weight I put on. I ended up lasting 4 weeks before I went back to my regular eating habits while still trying to avoid bad stuff here and there.


I just started up on it again this week to get rid of these winter pounds I put on to get ready for the detailing season.


Anyone else who is interested should really try it out. If you have any questions let me know. You should try and eat 80-90% of the Alkaline and 20-10% of the Acid. I did 100% Alkaline last year. :thumbsup:


I'm sorry but I have to ask about the science behind this. You need to have acids in your body to function properly.


Also, what you eat (in terms of acids and alkalines) doesn't just go straight through your GI tract to your blood. They are broken down, sent to the stomach (with a pH of 2 btw, so anything acidic or alkaline that you eat is drowned in acid actually), absorbed in the GI tract, and the rest is excreted. The body has a great system of balancing everything, but you also need to do your part and eat a balanced diet.


Not saying that it doesn't work or that the science isn't there, but I'm about to become a nutritionist and this is the first time I have ever heard this.


It just doesn't make sense to me.

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Hey Mook,


I am about to graduate in two months with my Food Science and Human Nutrition degree, so I have actually learned all of this lol.


The ABSOLUTE best thing to do is eat your normal diet, and then go to a doctor and get all your vitamins and mineral status assessment tests done. That way, with your normal diet, you will know exactly where you are deficient and where you can improve. Then you can improve on eating a well balanced, good diet suited to you exactly.


Taking a multivitamin is great (as said before, you don't need the expensive ones). Centrum men is actually what a lot of my professors take. On top of that, one of the absolute best things you can do for yourself is take a vitamin D supplement. Most people don't know it, but the majority of people are vitamin D deficient. Getting 1000 or 2000 IUs of Vitamin D in supplement form, in addition to your diet will help bone health and a whole multitude of other factors!


Vitamin D in your multivitamin and the Vitamin D formed from your skin from sun exposure is simply not enough.


Do not take more than one multivitamin a day though!


Hope this helps!


I dunno... that doesn't seem healthy to me... :lolsmack:

Edited by Nick@Adams
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I did it......It worked.......My pain in back went away after one session of a cupping process of acutpuncture therapy. It was only for 3-4 weeks of the diet and I was good to go.


After the 3-4 weeks of the diet I went back and did another session of the cupping therapy and the glass cups barely had any foam/toxins in them.


Maybe this is more of a healing process as oppossed to a diet. I'm going back to see her again in a few weeks. I will ask more info. Remember the diet was suggested to have some Acid foods.


I was just happy it worked since back pain is a you know what! :thumbsup:

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I am noticing that as I get older, well, I am in pain in my joints and whatnot more than I ever have been. It's not super horrible, but it's annoying. I currently, for the most part, eat pretty okay, but however, I do not take any type of vitamins or supplements. Should I?


I am 35 years old, a former athlete, in decent shape now...but I feel like I am missing something to help keep my system feeling a bit better or more nutrified. If that's even a word!


Anyone, please, if you have some good advice, let me know! I am willing to listen!


Thank You,





Mook Im not trying to be a douche by stepping on anyone's suggestions but before you do anything that was suggested to you I would go see your immediate care doctor before you go on any kind of diet or start taking any kind of pills or vitamins. Everybodys body is different.


At your age I suggest getting a physical every few years.

I went through this about 7 years ago/.. Im 43 now. I went to my doctor and good thing I went. I had the same type of joint pains etc so I took other friends advice and took some certain vitamins etc.

My Doc stated I should never take anything that other suggest if they are not in the medical field or in the health care industry.

Good thing I went to him because what I started to take my body was rejecting it. I went through hell for almost six months because of this. (Bad reaction almost like poisoned) You can PM me and I will explain it in more detail if you want.


Let a Doctor/Physician check you out first just in case. Its only an hour of your time to talk with him and it could be worth the trip!


My pains in my joints were caused from many years of sports and weight lifting.. I abused my body way too much.

Edited by Mongosg8
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