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First time using Adam's, hooked.



Might be a long post, so warning!  Its actually the first time I've ever waxed or polished a car.  For a beginner let me just say this was a breeze with these products.  If it weren't for the 90+ degree heat  and humidity it would have been even better.  I did an entire wash, claybar, sealant, brilliant glaze, americana....and cleaned the windows!  Looking back now it was probably a terrible idea to do that in one sitting in this heat.  I feel pretty bad now from the heat but slowly recovering.  I didn't do the wheels, Just couldn't do it today.


Adam's literally makes it so you can't fail at this....there's almost no way.  If you do then I don't know what to tell you.  Watch the videos and go to it, SO easy.  Having that visual guide is perfect.  I didn't have trouble removing any of the products, the towels and applicators are EXCELLENT, and every product except the glass sealant has a good smell lol.  Now its just a matter of keeping it up until I need to wax again down the line, easy!


I think the most trouble I had was having to fight the heat.  Caused me to do smaller areas and have to wipe it away quicker, and me being a beginner the pace was pretty rough.  Here in SC the products will haze up almost instantly.  Otherwise it was an excellent first experience for me.


After the wash and claybar when I put the quick sealant and brilliant glaze on I literally yelled "holy crap" because even though this is a brand new car I hadn't seen it like this before.


Just some notes about a few different things that maybe someone on the fence about ordering can see:

-Car wash shampoo - Love it.  Before on my old car I used some cheap brand from a big box store and it was always so rough on my hands and left terrible marks on my car from drying.  Adam's shampoo is amazing, my hands never turned to prunes, didn't dry them out, and the best part was I could let the shampoo dry on the car (inevitable here where I am) without being worried and it left no marks afterwards once rinsed off.

-Great White Towels - Used 1 to dry an entire Challenger, was a little damp afterwards and could of probably used 2 (I have 2) but these are great, where does the water go?!

-Single and Double soft towels - Had a bit of lent and fuzzies come off these but I attribute that to them being brand new.  No big deal or anything, I just know how some people are about that.  I would advise you to shake them out a little bit before use away from the car.  Otherwise MEGA soft good towels....I should have bought a few more.

-Detail spray - I bought the Essentials Detail Kit with a few other extras and I wish I bought some more detail spray.  The 16oz that comes in that kit doesn't last to long when using it to help before drying, claybar, and touch ups here and there.  Does a great job though, just wish the 36oz came in the kit instead because it seems this is going to be a product used often.  Perhaps that was just smart marketing by Adam's LOL

-Glass towels - I wish I had ordered a few more of these.  One of the best microfiber towels I've used, but doing all windows + sunroof it seems to get a little damp so another would have been useful.  I have High Def windows now though!


At any rate, I'm sold on Adam's stuff now.  Will be buying more.  I can finally look forward to washing the car.  If I wasn't so comfortable in this chair I'd take a picture ;)

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Great write up.  I am pretty new to Adam's myself, and you really nailed how exciting it is to use these product for the first time.  After about a year of using the basics (shampoo, detail spray, glass cleaner, APC, etc), I took the plunge on the Flex (which I bought with the "old" three step polish system).  I did my first full correction on my 2003 Porsche Boxster S last weekend, and was amazed.  And tired.  I worked on it for about 8 hours over two days and was whipped! 


Have fun with it, and keep contributing to the Forums!





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