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Impromptu Family Road Trip Today

Team Adam's

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Life has been hectic lately so this morning as my wife and I sat around the living room I suggested "how about we just go for a drive today?" Thinking maybe some quality family time in the truck would be a nice way to spend our Sunday rather than getting tied up in housework, projects, etc. 


She immediately lit up - "How about we drive to Wyoming?"


Funny thing is, living in California our whole lives you kind of get stuck in that part of the country. We hit northern CA, we drove down to the border, we've been to Vegas and Arizona... but now living in CO we're a little more central to a lot more of the country. 


So we packed Tanner up, grabbed some snacks and hit the road today. We drove north, stopping in Ft. Collins which was beautiful. (NOTE TO SELF: work on saving up money to move to Ft. Collins, CO). After a quick lunch there we jumped back on the road and headed towards Cheyenne, WY. 


Along the way we saw all kinds of cool stuff. Since I was so consumed with just having a fantastic day with my family I didn't take a ton of pictures. We wandered thru the old west parts of Cheyenee (buildings dating as far back as the 1860's) We stopped at the capital building which was built in 1878.








When we finished up in Cheyenne we figured we could keep exploring north... so we continued on to a small town about 65 miles north called Chugwater. It was as small as it sounds... population 212 (and I think that was being generous) we stopped in front of a cool old/abandonded hotel. As best I could tell the plaque outside indicated it was built in 1922. Just thought it was a cool, forgotten part of the world






Since we'd gone that far we figured we might as well keep exploring. After all, the farther north we went, the less populated the world seemed. So we left Chugwater and continued north... driving thru some beautiful scenery until we got to a point where there were no signs of civilization we found a turn off and found a dirt road that wandered (in increasingly less maintained fashion) thru the plains and into a valley where there was just nothing but beautiful views. 






On the drive out this isolated road I stopped to snap a few pics of the truck. 






The view coming back down out of the hills towards the highway




Based on where I picked up GPS I mapped out the journey and made this map. 




This trip was such a great reminder of whats important. A great day with my wife and Tanner just enjoying the scenery and seeing some places we had never seen. No shopping malls, amusement parks, and not even taking a ton of pics. Just being consumed with exploring new places and being with eachother. Saw some truly breathtaking things today.


My wife happened to catch this picture of me wandering thru the fields looking for a shot with my camera that I thought was cool. 




Hope you enjoyed the pics. 


Thanks for reading / looking!

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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I need to do that more often.  It looks like you and the family had a good time, thanks for sharing your experience and your pics Dylan.

Edited by 07RS4
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Experiencing as much as this great country of ours has to offer is something I value so very much. I've turned down trips overseas in the past with one reason......I want to see and appreciate everything I can here in American before I go anywhere else.


I'm kind of proud of you guys for doing this. I have friends back in SoCal that have 5 kids and every summer they all load up the RV and drive all across the country teaching their children the history in each great state. Their children are very fortunate to be able to experience that and Tanner will too.


BTW, I think if you went further Northeast you probably could have picked up Mook instead of him being delayed getting home yesterday.

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My wife and I were in Colorado last week and intended to visit Cheyenne.  But there is so many things to do in Colorado that we just never made it.  I guess we'll just have to make another trip out west next year.  That area seems to be our favorite vacation destination area anyway. From Yellowstone down to the Grand Canyon are some of the most unbelievable sights you will ever see. Thanks for the pics!!

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Awesome shots and a great experience for everyone I'm sure!  You have a beautiful part of the country to explore!  I just got back from an extended weekend up at our camp in the mountains.  No cell service was actually a very refreshing thing.  All we did was eat, cut the grass, played horseshoes and just enjoyed the time up there.  Can't wait to go back!

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Thanks for sharing that write-up. Nothing like a good road-trip.  After fully-Adamsizing my Porsche last weekend, my son and I did what we call "aimless driving around".  Top-down, cranking the Van Halen, just enjoying the ride.  Doing the occasional burnout, especially if a Prius was nearby.  Your trip was a lot longer, but in the same spirit of quality time with cars and family.  Having an incredibly clean, shiny ride makes it just that much better.


Cheers to you.



Edited by toddimac
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Looks like a blast. It is really awesome to see different parts of the country. How one area is so flat and desolate and then our southern area with tons of trees and woods. Truly amazing how different to parts of this country are! I saw the pics on fb and here and it looked like a great time!


NO more beverage pics on the back porch though! lol it makes me jealous when I am working and see those!

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Glad to see you and the family got a little time to do something like this!  I almost went to school in Wyoming back in the day, I really like that state.  Save for the wind.


Love the new sig pic man!

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Great pictures.  My dad use to pile us in the car and we would take off for a few hours on a Sunday.  But no where near the miles you did  or anything close to the scenery.  


You should make that a monthly routine until the weather turns. 

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Great pictures.  My dad use to pile us in the car and we would take off for a few hours on a Sunday.  But no where near the miles you did  or anything close to the scenery.  


You should make that a monthly routine until the weather turns. 


Already planning on it :D


Wifes already got plans to go to Kansas, Nebraska. We figured we'd also take Tanner up to see Mt. Rushmore one of these weekends and just spend the night there before coming back. 

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