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New videos: Another way for you to get to know me!



I started this video series for my personal reasons, for my business here regionally. I thought it would be a great way for my clients to research me, and get to know me a bit better, either before or after a detail. I've only got 4 loaded up so far, with about another 5 to come over the next few months. (THESE ARE NOT DONE TO TAKE AWAY FROM/NOR COMPETE WITH ADAM'S.  Frankly, my videos don't have near the production quality, and the Adam's videos are done with better equipment & setting.  Again, these are for MY personal reasons & clients.  But wanted to share with my immediate Adam's family.)

But I realized it might help you guys kinda get to know me a bit better also. See who the "guy at Adam's is." And get a feel for my casual, humble, but personal outlook on detailing and desire to help. I've just linked my introduction video in this thread for now, but if you'd like to subscribe to my channel, my username is InsanePaintDetailing, I'd be honored to have you guys hang out with me and give me feedback!!

Insane Paint Auto Detailing Introduction

Anyway, I know these aren't perfect, and I'm no actor, lol. There's no script to any of these, all done on the fly, as that's the kind of guy I am, and that's my personality.  Each one we do, we learn more & eventually they'll become pretty solid. But for now, we really enjoy doing them & feel like they're a good foundation for my business, and to turn NEW PEOPLE on to Adam's Polishes. Thanks again guys! I'm here for any questions! :)

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You're absolutely killing it brother! I'm so happy for all the success that has come your way with this venture and only wish you so much more. Great job on these!

Well.....I don't know about that bro.  But I'm TRYYYYYIN' lol.....

And a great amount of gratitude to you bro.  You've always been in touch.  And always available & useful.  You're a good friend.....that happens to live over 1,000 miles away.... :(

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Wow i watched a few of the videos great work, like the music behind all of it. Looks well put together so far, and it cant hurt to hear some of the ways you do things as opposed to others.

Thanks man!  Definitely not trying to "rewrite" any history books.  Just want people to be able to "meet" me & hear my convictions.  Period.  I appreciate that buddy.


I always thought you were taller. 










:glasses:  :glasses: 

LOL.....??  6' on the nose.  But I know what you mean....sometimes you "picture" people a different way....lol.

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Great videos Chase, I subscribed to your channel and look forward to your other productions. It is nice to see others doing different detailing work so everyone can learn and get other ideas to help them out. I appreciate the work you have put into the videos.They are very well done. Thanks,

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Great video Chase. Next time you hit the gym, try working lower body...legs. Ha! I'm joking! The video is really good, I wouldn't worry about a pro multi million dollar video because people really care about someone who understands their needs and your video does just that. It's shows them your true nature of doing the right thing taking care of everyone. Nice work!!

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Awesome, satisfies my detailing video addiction :)


Seriously though, the videos are good. Your voice is clearly audible, you show the process in real time, you're thorough in your explanations but to the point without rambling the same points over and over, and your passion shows through.


The length of the videos is good. 8-15 mins is about the sweet spot, don't make them much longer than that. The Junks videos are crazy long, my ADD can't take 45 mins plus of talking. :willy:

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Hey thanks a ton boys!  I really appreciate the feedback!  And YES.....will TRY to stay under 10 mins on all of them.  There will be A COUPLE that may be longer due to subject.  But length of run time is crucial & I understand that.  Glad you can hear me & things come across clear, good news.  I'm grateful for the open mind everyone, thanks!

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Hey thanks a ton boys!  I really appreciate the feedback!  And YES.....will TRY to stay under 10 mins on all of them.  There will be A COUPLE that may be longer due to subject.  But length of run time is crucial & I understand that.  Glad you can hear me & things come across clear, good news.  I'm grateful for the open mind everyone, thanks!


Good luck on the youtube endeavor! I have recently just hit 100 thousand views (only detailing videos, total views is a bit higher) and 400 subscribers on mine :) It took a lot of work and a lot of videos to get there. 


If I may, here are a few things I learned over the past year:


1) Constantly uploading videos really helps! (Even before and afters work as good videos)


2) Average time most people will watch to is 2 minutes. Doesn't matter how long your video is. If you go to your YouTube dashboard, then analytics, then audience retention, you can see how much time people stay on your videos for.


3) Don't be shy to say something like "if you liked this video, please subscribe if you want to notified when I upload more". On mine, I always ask for a like rating and subscriptions. That's not because I want to see how many likes I can get or something like that, but rather because Youtube will rank your videos for their search engine. If someone searches waterless wash and your video has 2 likes and 100 views and another has 10 likes and 100 views, which one do you think will come up first? Coming up first in search engines means more views, and more views mean more subscribers, and more subscribers means more views! It's a big circle! 


4) Most importantly, and it looks like you're doing this, but is to have fun making these videos! Never once have I felt like I was doing a chore making mine. As soon as making videos feels like a chore, I will stop. 

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Another thing about getting likes and views on youtube is that it also translates to google searches. Remember that google now owns youtube and that more and more videos are coming up as "results" to google searches.


For example, I just searched "Adam's Americana Review", and the fifth result is my video review. The first result and the third result are both reviews I posted on forums and guess what they do? They link straight back to my video!


Out of the first five results on google, three of them are mine. That in my opinion really shows the power of both forums and getting views and likes on youtube.


Hope this helps bud!

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Damn good job on the vids. I think they actually augment the Adam's videos by showing your particular method for going through a process. I just got my old man his frist Adam's products for his birthday (WCW, WCW Blue Towels, Detail Spray, Double Soft MF). I am going to direct him to your video, becasue you show how to go through the whole process of using those two products together.


Again, great job. Like the Metallica banner, too, BTW.





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