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Free Funeral


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So my wife and I went to our hometown minor league baseball game last night. (Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs, the AAA affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies). Earlier in the day I found out the promotion that night was a free funeral given away by a local funeral home. I thought to myself this must be some sort of joke or something. Anyway, they had previously asked for ppl to send in an essay describing why they deserved a free funeral. They received 50 responses from which they picked the winner. In the middle of the sixth inning the prize was awarded. A woman had pushed a wheelchair bound man out onto the field. The MC started to read this man's essay. The man was suffering from Lou Gerhig's disease and knew he was dying. He explained that his family was not very well off financially and this free funeral would ease their financial pain somewhat. By the time the MC finished reading his story, I don't think there was one dry eye in the place. Everyone stood up and gave this man a standing "O". He deserved it. It really turned out to be quite a beautiful thing.

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wow that is amazing, would have loved to be there! I really miss having AAA in our hometown.  The Ottawa Lynx were big back in the 90's when the Jays and Expos has solid teams, once Montreal tanked the fans stopped coming and our 15k people stadium eventually sat empty.  Today we can't even fill it with a single A club, very sad to see.

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