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Picked up a can of Plastidip


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Looks good!!! I'm guessing you liked my emblems lol


Damn straight Eric.



Nice subtle improvements. :cheers:


Are you thinking of doing the wheels?


Wheels? Those are actually hub caps! Here's what I'm thinking Rich. The tires only have 4/32 left and need replaced. I'm going to remove the tires/wheels and take them to the folks that will install the new tires and balance them to have them first simply remove the tires. I'm then going to take the steel wheels to a powder coater close to me to sand blast them (the faces are awefully rusty) and powder coat them black; $200 for all four. I'm then going to take them back to the tire guy to install the new tires and balance the wheels. I've been looking on eBay for the small center caps that are on Police cars. :)

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Sweet.......Dave you are going to have to let me know how your badges hold up.

If you do the coats right it'll last forever. I know guys that have Dip'd their wheels and they've lasted for years. The stuff is as addictive as Adam's. I'm trying to get my hands on some red to color coordinate. I want to paint my calibers and coil covers but would like to get them the same shade as the red PlastiDip. I've used the black (can be had at Wally World for about $6 on my gf's wiper cowl on her old Focus and even did my mailbox.

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