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Detail Spray stained Great white!



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The dye in Detail Spray should wash out fairly easily... was the towel really saturated with Detail Spray? How much did you use while drying? 


In the end, even if you can't completely remove the stain, it won't have any negative impact on the towel. Its purely a cosmetic issue and the towel will still work just fine. 

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How do you clean your double softs and the great white.  Do you just wash in the clothes washer or what

You can wash them in the machine if you want, just make sure there is NO fabric softener or other items in there besides your microfiber towels. Personally I prefer to wash them by hand in a clean bucket, so there is no risk of cross-contamination with other soaps or materials. This topic has some good info, and this topic has some other methods.

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If your towels aren't getting slightly dyed after washing you aren't using them enough.


As long as you clean them well (I use the equivalent of MFR&B in my washing machine) they will come out clean and perfectly new again but a slight stain or discoloration from color bleed is purely cosmetic.


I have some blue some yellow some green and other color towels and I'm not going to do a white towel separately just bc i am wary to see any discoloration. My great white is basically a great grey by now lol

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