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Visiting las vegas for sema


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Well I know some of you know but im going to vegas next week for sema/2 year wedding anniversary. Yea I know I planned that well lol but my question to whoever has been out there a good bit or live there what are some cool things to check out other then the obvious like shows kounts customs pawn stars kinda stuff. Any ideas or tips would be great. Also if you are near vegas or there hit me up maybe we can hang out at some point. Thanks in advance guys also look forward to maybe seeing some of the adams crew at sema

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Good planning if you ask me, My wife and I got married at midnight after the SEMA show 22 years ago. We're not going to SEMA this year, but congrats to you on the anniversary. I met the guy from the Toy Store last year. I didn't know who he was, I just wanted to buy some die cast cars, he couldn't believe I didn't know who he was.

He's off Fremont Street and had a ton of die cast cars and stuff, worth a look.


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Rich i have been trying to make it for the past 3 years and it finally lined up right that i could make it. I just told my wife that we should go there for our 2 year anniversary which is on nov 11th little did she know that was going on lol. Johnny if i remember correctly and i have a friend of mine who actually knows him through his hot wheel collection

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The Hoover dam tour is a worthwhile day trip. Also, I don't know if it's still open (I know they were having financial issues) but there was a placed called the Lost City museum that looks at the town of St. George, NV before it was flooded when lake Mead was filled. The water is so low now that you can walk down to where the town was and poke around in the the weeds to find some old roads and foundations. Kind of a neat trip/hike if you're into that kind of thing and want to get out of the craziness of LV for a little while.

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If you can, be sure to check out Steve Strope's car that he built under his company Pure Vision going for the GM award.  Tom Nelson of Nelson Racing Engines built one monster of a motor that features a lot of custom CNC machined pieces as well as his mirror imaged twin turbo setup.


My company I work for goes out there every year but I'm a nobody so I'll probably never have the opportunity to go.  Hope you enjoy it.

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Are you going to the SEMA show? You probably won't be able to see everything in two days. Even if you don't have passes to get in, there is enough coolness outside of the convention center to occupy most of a day.

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Thanks for the info guys and I plan on doing atleast some of the stuff and im always up for places to eat. I want to hit up the heart attack grill and also ill be going to sema everyday its open I want to see as much as I can while im there may never get to go back ya know

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