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Microfiber cutting pads



While testing out the new cyclo this weekend and correcting my truck, it did a fantastic job but have a few areas (mainly roof) that the cyclo couldn't finish the very light scratches down. While I didn't go over them numerous times with correcting polish, just until the polish flashed then moved on to finishing polish, thinking about picking up some microfiber cutting pads to try. A few areas I remember the scratches I tried to remove with my pc years ago, and it just could not tackle. Should the cyclo have quite a bit more ability to remove fine scratches than the porter cable? Think I might just grab some microfiber cutting pads for those few problem areas where the scratches won't come out, not deep at all and doesn't catch my fingernail, just slight clear scratches

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I don't think the Cyclo has more power the an the PC, just smoother.  But the MF pads are big step up in correction power on any machine.  


When we bought my son's Civic I tried the most aggressive foam pad and polish combo Adam's had, but still had some scratches.  I got a MF pad and the newer polish, and they came out on the first pass!



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I've been able to remove about 95% of 1500-grit wetsanding scratches with the Cyclo, 2 orange microfiber cutting pads, and the Paint Correcting Polish on the very dark Indigo Blue Metallic paint on my truck - I'm talking I had to get really really close to notice them, so if they're pretty fine on your truck, then you should be good to go with the microfiber pads at speed 6 on the Cyclo  :thumbsup: 

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