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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Glad I Live Close to HQ

Mike E.

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They were out of the Visco Clay Kit so they just gave me the bar for free. Also threw in some other items too. Was looking at the premium foam gun but they gave me such a great deal on the foam cannon and other items, I couldn't say no. I'm pretty new to this whole thing but plan on going to the warehouse a few times a month.


Great people and I like to buy local. Win Win

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5 minutes ago, Mike E. said:

They were out of the Visco Clay Kit so they just gave me the bar for free. Also threw in some other items too. Was looking at the premium foam gun but they gave me such a great deal on the foam cannon and other items, I couldn't say no. I'm pretty new to this whole thing but plan on going to the warehouse a few times a month.


Great people and I like to buy local. Win Win

SOOOOOO LUCKY... I would be there every weekend.. ??

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