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Which Towels to Wash with What



So I have a bunch of microfiber I’m washing with Microfiber Revitalizer. I have a couple of the gray borderless/edgeless that I used with H20 GG, several single & double soft, and the old blue glass towels. Can I throw them all in together or should I separate them?? Thanks for the help!!


The glass towel im talking about


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I split mine up a bit further than @falcaineer, but I'm not sure if Chris uses Ceramic Boost or not.

HGG - Separate

Ceramic Boost - Separate

Old towels for Wheels, Tires, Engine Bay, etc - Separate


Everything else goes together in one load. I have always kept the old towels and those that get very dirty separate from the newer towers to try and prevent any cross contamination.   I hope that once I learn more about what Ceramic Boost does to a towel, if anything, I can combine then with the HGG or general towels.

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3 hours ago, RayS said:

I split mine up a bit further than @falcaineer, but I'm not sure if Chris uses Ceramic Boost or not.

HGG - Separate

Ceramic Boost - Separate

Old towels for Wheels, Tires, Engine Bay, etc - Separate


Everything else goes together in one load. I have always kept the old towels and those that get very dirty separate from the newer towers to try and prevent any cross contamination.   I hope that once I learn more about what Ceramic Boost does to a towel, if anything, I can combine then with the HGG or general towels.


No, I don't use it. But my process would likely match yours if I did.

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7 hours ago, js1990 said:

As far as washing with a perfume/dye free detergent, does anyone have any particular brand they’d recommend? 

We use Tide Free and Gentle liquid.  There are no perfumes, softeners or anything else we have found that messes with whatever is being washed.  I also recommend the Adam's Microfiber Revitalizer and Brightener and just follow the directions.


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