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Ceramic boost, shaww


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Used it the first time this afternoon I was kind of reluctant due to the not quite so slick feel of the finish but I had to try it out. I haven't clayed or waxed in about 6 months but man the shine and beading action is incredible the black looks so deep with this. it started to rain as soon as i was finished, but i didn't care i got to see the effects in action immediately which paid off. 



Edited by Cobayashi
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I actually think the glass sealant does a bit better of a job with the windows, but the CB looks to do a good job as well, curious on longevity on the glass. 


There is also to me at least nothing more satisfying than driving in the rain and watching it just blow off the windshield. While everyone else slows down because they cant see you get almost perfect vision. 

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On 9/29/2018 at 6:39 AM, pirahnah3 said:

I actually think the glass sealant does a bit better of a job with the windows, but the CB looks to do a good job as well, curious on longevity on the glass. 


There is also to me at least nothing more satisfying than driving in the rain and watching it just blow off the windshield. While everyone else slows down because they cant see you get almost perfect vision. 

So true. I love the glass sealant. Works like magic. It is such a wonderful product. And a lot goes a long way as well 

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