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Dads and Daughters


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I'll start with what arrived today and then I'll explain why this is about Dads and Daughters.


The picture shows the Ceramic Wax, a sticker, a Red applicator for applying Brilliant Glaze and a Candy Cane.  I was happy when the box arrived right up to where I realized I'm in a bit of trouble.  


While my wife knows that she gets the best of everything, my daughters know that they get what they want.  The girls are not spoiled, they were good students in high school, received generous scholarships for college, graduated on time, have good jobs and have never caused us any grief.    My oldest graduated from Clemson has an excellent job and is married to a Army officer.   She is also the one that has the Mustang. The Mustang was originally mine, purchased in 1997.  She took the Mustang when she was a senior in high school - shouldn't every 17 year old girl be driving a Red Mustang Convertible?  Sure the Mustang ended up a bit neglected, but not abused, and ultimately a new paint job and it is currently sitting in my garage waiting for the paint cure time to elapse.


This brings me to my pending trouble and no win situation.  The Americana is a very good wax and the wife's car always looks great.  The wife also knows that when I purchase something new it is for her car first, so how am I going to explain the point that the Ceramic wax is for our daughters car?   I'll post the outcome of the wax on the Mustang in the thread I've had going on it.



For all you other Dads with Daughters, go ahead and share your stories.

Candy Cane.jpeg

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:lolsmack: That's what it is living with two or more women.   Just tell the wife that the Ceramic Wax isn't as good as the Americana so she'll still think she's getting the better deal. A little white lie won't hurt .  


Of course, that's assuming she doesn't see the bill or look at the website!  :lolsmack:

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