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Can TY or someone make me a new updated signature


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^ agreed


Basic stuff in PS is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Grab a book at the bookstore or something and just start!

:lol::lol: I have the book for dummies.


I can actually cut out a pic but for some reason the layering is getting me. I have PS Elements 7. Maybe I should have started with an easier version but Noooooooooo not me. I have never had such a problem with any software in my life as I have with this. I got so frustrated that I went out and bought PhotoImpact Pro. It is very similar to PS. I haven't had enough time to play with either one yet.


I need that PS 101 class really soon. :willy::willy: It makes me crazy that I can't figure this out.




I'll try Jesse, so don't be surprised what I come up with until Ty can get to it. :lolsmack::lolsmack::lolsmack:

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My daughter tried to teach me once. Then she gave up. She does everything on the computer. Brochures, publications, reports, etc. I can't do anything.

Do they make a book called "photoshop for dumber dummies"?:lolsmack:

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  • 2 weeks later...
thanks rich, i would try it myself but i dont have photoshop or the time to set down and figure it out.


I have all the time in the world and still wouldn't be able to do it. My daughter tried to show me how to use paint one time, and i screwed up my whole computer. :lolsmack:


Can't teach an old dog new tricks.

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