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Everything posted by PHOKUS

  1. I certainly agree with the economics of innovation and pricing of quality tools. When I said I would like to see it cheaper, I said that from a hobbyist perspective. Were I doing this professionally or even as an enthusiast amateur, the iBrid would be an excellent option for many applications. That said, for my use right now, I'll have to just 'get by' with the Rupes. Thanks for your input, Dylan!
  2. This can is the same size as my previous cans, so must be the old formula? I will give your suggestions a try. Thanks!
  3. Today I did my weekly maintenance wash. I wanted a different scent inside and my vents were just a little dry looking, so I grabbed my In & Out spray and lightly dusted the first vent. The product spattered a little. No matter, I thought to myself. I will just wipe the excess. So I tried to wipe the spatter away. It did not wipe away at all. I have used In & Out spray on interior vents before. Was a change made to the formula at some point in the last year? I tried again. No dice. I grabbed some 50/50 APC and sprayed a bit into a fresh blue plush towel and scrubbed a little. No change at all. It appears the spatter actually chemically bonded with the vent. Has anyone else encountered this? Any ideas for removing the spatter? See photo:

    IMG 3711

    From the album: Forum Posts

  5. This is an interesting design. One of the reasons people stack two grit guards is because when the wash media is scrubbed against the grit guard, it induces turbulence in the dirtiest water at the bottom of the bucket. The thinking is that this dirty water is then mixed right into the wash media you are trying to get clean. It looks like this design may be an attempt to mitigate this risk in a single guard. Innovation is always welcome!
  6. In dry conditions, TID is good. But if rain/snow on shoes comes inside, it still becomes very slick. APC + Wheel Brush is a good combination for floormats.
  7. As an alternative, try using a sponge to apply the tire shine. Spray the Tire Shine on the sponge, then apply to tire. Thinner sponge = higher gloss. Thicker sponge = Matte finish
  8. I bought the hanging scented fresheners, but like so many others I don't like things dangling. One idea I had was if Adam's could sell tiny 0.5oz plastic squeeze bottles of scent, and using a tiny tube, insert the tube down into the HVAC vents and put one or two drops down each vent. This would be potent scent suspended in an oil of some type, and one drop down each vent would last several weeks. Good idea? Bad idea?
  9. And the tops of the tires. Can't forget about those. Pesky dust gets everywhere!
  10. From the album: Forum Posts

    68k miles
  11. I would definitely like to see 20%-30% lower cost on the iBrid. I have no need for cordless. Sidenote, I am scheduled to correct and ext/int detail a minivan this weekend. I am extremely curious to see how quickly the Rupes will help me get the job done!
  12. Be mindful of how much correction is needed before deciding which pads to use. If your paint is in pretty good shape (very fine scratches, little or no swirling) there is no need to use PCP w/orange pad. Just go straight to PFP w/white. Of course, if you need correction - the posts above will get you started. Good luck. And post pics!
  13. I am a fan of Tesla. I will likely purchase a Model 3 at some point. So I was pleased to see that Motor Trend was granted access to the Model 3 and Gigafactory 1 and created a video for their YouTube channel. As I'm watching, there was a 3 second shot of someone I presume to be a photographer, vigorously wiping down the Model 3 with a duster. I could almost hear the paint screeching. I will link it here, but if against the rules feel free to take it down. Still shaking my head. Poor Model 3. It's going to need correction after that.
  14. Curious on this as well. For now, I store things as they came in a dark, cool, place.
  15. I hope they bring back a variant of Quick Sealant. It's excellent for wheels and other oddly-configured areas.
  16. I apologize. I mean to say you can dilute Waterless Wash to 1:1 with water. 1:2 is too thin. 1:1 Rinsless Wash dilution would be VERY slippery indeed.
  17. Use an old toothbrush with soft bristles and APC. Finish with a plain water scrub and wipe dry.
  18. For light dust, Adam's Waterless Wash is perfect. If you want a slightly cheaper alternative, you can dilute Rinseless Wash 1:1 with water. Some have suggested 1:2 with water, but that's a bit thin for my taste. I feel you lose too much lubricity at 1:2 ratio. Anyways, some sort of lubricant on the paint surface and always taking care to use each panel of your Waterless Wash microfiber only once will ensure no scratches come your way. And you'll always have a clean surface on which to correct.
  19. Car looks awesome. Be sure to post some pics from your first show!
  20. Yeah, the thing I am most waiting for is general reaction/reviews. I need an answer to the question, "Is this a niche product or will it have wide appeal?"
  21. 2.5 may have been too low. As I stated in my original post, I am a total novice at correcting. My car came out great at 2.5. Doesn't mean anything on the next car. It may have softer or harder clearcoat, it may have been repainted with thicker or thinner clear than factory. As a novice, take this for what it's worth - it may even be completely incorrect, but I try not to pay too much attention to the speed dial from car to car. I test on a small panel and go from there. If I need to be faster or slower on the speed dial, I do it. There's probably a much better way of going about it, but that's what works for me so far.
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