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Everything posted by Dwhite0960

  1. Thanks Chris and Jim. Jim, these things have windows inside of windows I felt like I cleaned glass for 30 mins lol. This dingo might be a gem for me today I have received 4 calls from her coworkers already hopefully things pan out for me.
  2. Well today I decided since it was a balmy 32 degrees here in tennessee that I would get the first detail done. My client just purchased her a slighty used Durango that received the dealership detail (poor lady). It was obvious once I did the double wash to get the gunk of this Durango that the paint has never seen a quality wax or any love. I did a adams 2 bucket wash then followed with h20 g&g. After getting the outside clean and dry i laid down a nice coat of paste wax to bring some shine to the vehicle, customer was against a clay bar due to a terrible experience before elsewhere so I had to reluctantly just wax it, the paint is rougher than a night in a New Orleans jail on New Years. We hit the trim with vrt and hit the wiper arms with in and out. Dressed the tires with tire shine and moved on to the kid zone interior. I forgot before and after interior pics and a entire shot of the outside unfortunately this thing was a wreck. I used the leather cleaner to remove some crayon drawings from the canvas known as a drivers seat back, I also found the lost kids drink under the seats once I removed them. After the sticky was gone i finished with the leather conditioner. Hit all the panels with the interior detailer after getting the carpets washed and vacuumed. Once I was finished i was happy with the results and went to get the client to come check it out. From 10 feet out she said here is your money I have never seen it shine like this. Once she opened the door she asked where she could find the air freshener for the leather conditioner I used i laughed hard and said I will try to order some for the rest of the year. She was beyond happy and said she wasn't sure what products I used but she loved the results and has never had a car so clean before. Awesome for business since she was a new client and signed up on the spot for monthly washes and bimonthly full details, best part for me was when she said next time you detail it make sure your bring the clay bar thingy you were talking about. I love adams products they are making me happy and make me momey what's better than that.
  3. True got a gallbladder issue looks like 2016 shall start with a insurance claim and minor surgery lol. Next person needs a new keyboard from drooling over the Orange sidekick they ended up buying already
  4. Now this is just not right i must buy this sweet looking gadget. I am still wondering what sort of warranty comes on one of these units. Please help me pull the trigger... I like texas which is burnt orange and I live in tn which is a orange that a goat pukes up but this color could work for all the reasons stated above.
  5. Abraham, h2o gg is a spray that seals already you have to dry the vehicle either way if you do a traditional or a Rinsless why not spray the sealant quality of gg on before drying? I might of misunderstood what you were saying but I think it is already what you are looking for from the company.
  6. I personally like the idea of cheating a touch to make my work look that much more spectacular, if it brings attention to the customer behicles word of mouth will have you ordering more glaze!
  7. Joe, I have watched the video multiple times to make sure I soaked in everything. This being said I still can't make my mind up, one day I say it's the flex for sure and then I wake up and say the cyclo is the most versatile machine for me since I can only afford and get away with one polisher (the boss needs vacation not polishers lol). The videos I have watched of the cyclo outside of a adams lineup show it can really correct some junky paint but I won't know what I will buy until I finally pay for one I guess. I just don't want buyers remorse and love to hear everyone's input on their machine and any others they have put their hands on in comparison, I guess you can say I am a bit selfish to ask the age old question.
  8. Dan is good at pointing you to economical purchases as well so you gotta give the man credit. That's why I am loving the adams staff they have the customers best intrest at heart it's not all just about the bottom line profit margins. Dan is helping me piece together a nice order and I would say I have managed to get more product for the same if not less money. Im sure the rest of the staff are just as good but Dan has a nice following of helping with large orders and making the customer feel like the wallet has some paper left.
  9. I'd say bust out a leaf blower or compressor to try and blow all the junk off at least savings are just scratch city in my eyes lol
  10. im I have read and watched to much I think lol. They all sound great in the end just trying to pick the adams team brain a little bit.
  11. I at least knew this much at least lol. Do you have input on the polisher debate since you have extensive knowledge of the polishers ba lible to me through adams.
  12. Chris I am waiting until the 3 month mark until I Polish or wax the new painted areas to make sure it has cured fully.
  13. Michael thanks for the response. I know the test sports a crucial in the long run and im not pressed for time per say, however were Americans and like to be done sooner than later lol. I will use only adams pads and polish for sure I am sold on this company and the products of which they stand behind. I just wasn't sure if the claims of cutting times down 1/3 were accurate in the real world with the more advanced polishers compared to the pc.
  14. Tristan, I love the car they are a joy to do some spirited driving in. I think it looks great for a first detail. You might have some rail dust on the car that the diluted deep wheel cleaner can breakdown on a chemical level although I would have thought the clay bar would have got it off. I know when I did my truck a while ago it took multiple passes and some light pressure to get it slick completely. I have not used the adams clay yet though im new to the adams line up so got some things to purchase and try out still. Keep posting up pics as you detail the inside as well as im sure it's a gorgeous interior. Im not sure if it's possible but from what I have gathered the best way to get the lap on is with a da buffer, and you can do the finishing polish first to have a phenomenal finish to protect.
  15. So I am going to be ordering my remaing products and my polisher after the Christmas gift cards come in. I am a total novice when it comes to the polisher, this being said I would like to state before my following questions I know that the da polishers are super safe and the chances of the paint getting hurt are slim to none if you use intelligence. With that being said im scared to death still lol. The car I want to get the polisher on for swirl free paint is my wife's car mainly, im going to practice on the ole goat first though. Her car just had a small dent fixed and the rear door and quarter panel got resprayed, the moron using the buffer at the body shop left some beautiful holograms/buffer trails everywhere. The rest of the car has the typical swirl marks from the previous owner washing his car with gravel like most ppl do due to improper techniques. I know the car with the swirl part will take the Orange foam and possibly even the microfiber pad if my test spot on the foam comes out scratched still. On the side where the newer paint is do you reccomend I just use the white pad first and then go orange if needed or do I just stick with whatever pad i deemed needed from my test spot. I don't know what using to aggressive of a pad can to to the finish if it isn't needed. With that out of the way to the last question. I have read reviews and you tube videos alomg with adams on polishers like I need it to breath daily. I like the flex because it seems to get good remarks on a good finish but it can get bad damage out with some good work. Is there any benefit to this machine besides a time saving on labor vs the other polishers? The pc is obviously the most economical way into the polishing world but I don't want to buy a machine that leaves my desires for more and then have to buy another polisher later on. All help is greatly appreciated and sorry for the long winded post.
  16. That same guy might be knocking at the door this spring asking how you got your truck so shiney then you are no longer a nut
  17. Welcome Casey, Check out Dans post adamized the raptor its a wealth of detail information with great pics.
  18. If it will be in the sun at all when sitting at the shop I would def put some sort of conditioner on the vinyl/plastic interior to help protect it from the elements. If you have time I would go ahead and take the fender flares off before it heads to the shop and recondition them when they are doing the tranny work so you can be happy when she gets back and you put them back on, it would make it easier to polish as well if you are planning on that later. I have. Friend who swears by his rhino liner floors they spray out easy and keep a nice shine when wiped down, he used the store brand stuff you apply yourself it was a pretty easy process he took the seats and console out. Not sure how far your trying to go on her but you can make them look much better for not a bunch of cash with some homemade labor
  19. Erik they have some good prices on kits right now and if I remeber right patriot is still a great price alomg with the 15% on top of that. If it wasn't for some unexpected cash drain I would have got myself patriot on Black Friday week sales. Im sure if you call in they will steer you to the most economical option for all the goodies your are needing. Take care and once you get restocked toss some pics of The car up.
  20. Welcome John i love the small audi cars and just let us know how to feed your addiction we are here to help. Not sure if you have had the pleasure of talking to the adams customer service guys and gals yet but they are knowledgeable and the service is 1st class. Truly a dying breed of business they operate here.
  21. Carhartt makes nice big and tall stuff super comfy warm and durable this would be the best case hoodie to me personally. I like under armour stuff but the fat kids don't fit in slim fitting cuts very well...
  22. Dan, the white one is slick rick status. I do like the idea of a adams red as well as stated before. I will get one once the new year comes it seems to be a nice machine. What sort of warranty do these carry
  23. Mat, I live in gods country so I have the beautiful hard well myself. Thanks for your kind words and tips, once Santa hooks me up I will be placing a pretty substantial order it appears. Guess Rinsless will be added in the order now I have to try this.
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