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The Ryan

Official Product Tester
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Everything posted by The Ryan

  1. My biggest complaint is that it has a small gas tank @ 12 gallons and I have to fill up twice every other week. I but it's usually only $40 for 91 octane.
  2. Depends on my driving habits, around town about 23. Daily commute is 30mi 1 way and about 25 highway, I cruse at about 70 and get 30mpg. For my regular driving I'm averaging 26.5mpg. If I'm driving more 'spirited' I average 24.5. Oh and I just rolled 2K miles
  3. Thanks, sometimes I think I spend more time doing the write up than actually detailing
  4. Going back to the rear motor mount... Yea I'm going to installing a aftermarket, now the kid in me has turned the radio down its the only thing I hear anymore. The e-focus rmm looks like the way to go for the money.
  5. Awesome! Congrats, that thing is a monster! I What's going on here are we becoming Ford lovers?
  6. Scary stuff we're facing... Hopefully they get it all sorted out, I don't have much "Hope" for our leader though...
  7. I haven't had that problem at all.. Always use AQS in a well ventilated area and spray 8-12" from the surface. This should minimize 'blow back' from the product. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
  8. Great car! Nice work via Tapatalk...
  9. ... To start this test, I began by taping off a Dave butt sized area on the hood... Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Merry Christmas Boss! I hope you and the family have a great fun filled holiday! Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Merry Christmas all... I hope everyone has a great safe Christmas. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Wow I hope santa leaves one of those in my driveway tonight. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Awesome! Congrats on the cover spot!! Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
  14. OH EM GEE! Is your friend in the Mob? That looks the car from pulp fiction after a unfortunate incident with a bullet to the face. Maybe just kids, they have been known to reek that kind of havoc on interiors Either way, great turn around!
  15. Engine cover if a porche ill be detailing someday when the owner gets it running. via Tapatalk, excuse my spelling please.
  16. Looks like it came out great... via Tapatalk, excuse my spelling please.
  17. Lookin good so far. via Tapatalk, excuse my spelling please.
  18. ... You own more microfiber towels than pairs of underwear. via Tapatalk, excuse my spelling please.
  19. That's what I used it for (the family mobile) , didn't produce the desired results. via Tapatalk, excuse my spelling please.
  20. OMG who takes care of that ride? Hardly any water beading, and the beads that were there were flat... Get some Americana on that thing STAT!!! via Tapatalk on my Galaxy Slll
  21. You're really in the ballpark.. Dont touch it, ever. Looking at it marrs the finish. Unfortunately there is no true way to keep the damage out of them.. the best you can do is minimize it, and buy stock in Adam's Brilliant Glaze.
  22. Yup generally we don't converse about 'other companies' products here... thats why I have left the names out of my posts.
  23. That's on my list of products to try... The coatings I have used have been expensive, and haven't produced the desired results... I've been weary of them ever since. via Tapatalk on my Galaxy Slll
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