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Everything posted by 3PedalMINI

  1. M3's, S4's and SRT8's!!! this chicks got taste! manual M3's/S4s i hope? Welcome to the addiction! Sweet ride, love that color on SRT8's
  2. 3PedalMINI


    i cant watch the summer olympics, its pretty painful to watch IMHO. I get excited for the winter olympics, love watching the bob sleds,skiing/snowboarding. i feel like the summer olympics could be cool if they kept to core sports instead of offering things like ribbons and horse dancing etc? none the less i tried to watch the opening ceremonies and got bored pretty quick
  3. dont really listen to an ipod when detailing...i know this means nothing to you guys but sense matt is local...104.5 (alternative) or 92.5 (country) thats about it when detailing
  4. wired our new shed for lights/outlets
  5. i doubt, i cannot figure out why american car companies are so slowwwwww to adapt to new technologies, especially lighting. cadie has them stock but chrysler/ford only have a few of their car models with the option the same goes for the rest of gm Hell kia offers HID's as an option in most of their cars. By the time the americans play catch up with HID's the germans will already be offering LED headlights as standard. IE audi/bmw/Merc already offer LEDs standard on their top end models and as an option on like the A6 etc. I think the americans need to really figure out what they need to innovate so the rest of the world plays catch up with us, until that happens they will just continued to be laughed at in the innovation world
  6. I want a trailer sooo bad! interior shots when you get the chance just curious, why did you go with a trailer over a 5th wheel? your truck would be the perfect candidate
  7. Sit down with the wife and talk about it. It sounds like your at a point with your business where you can keep it stagnant or take it to the next level, but the only way to grow it to the next level is making it your full time job. think about where your business can be if the time spent at wally world was actually focused on your business Does your wife make enough that can support your family if the economy takes a dump agian and business slows down? do you have same savings that can weather you through until your business picks up or you find a job? Personally as a business owner my self you have to make a choice, you do it part time for some extra spending money and get stuck dealing with someone else telling you what you can/cant do or do you honestly love what you do to make a career out of it? is what your pulling in enough to cover your family incase your wife god forbid looses her job? I tried working for someone and running a business and i just couldnt, i would find my self calling customers up and cancelling/resheduling because my "boss" decided to mess with my schedule. if you go out on your own, please cut everything that isnt necessary for a while like sirius radio,HBO/Starz,Lucky Charms etc etc (you know what i mean)cut your expenses down to the bare minimum that still provides your family with safety and security. It is scary going out on your own (believe me i know) i have had more stress as a 22year old then anyone should have in their entire life but there is no greater satisfaction then running your own business, and a successful one. i wish you the best of luck! talk it over with your wife and then your kids tell them there will be sacrifices in the beginning but level out eventually. To tell you the truth, i think the big man upstairs is telling you something also i wouldnt worry about the winter, up here that when detailers are busiest because of the salt/cold Ohh, BTW i dont spend a DIME of my money at wallyworld/sams club.
  8. Its now the second fastest FWD car since the MINI GP took the record earlier this year at 8:19 Still pretty impressive for a chevy to hold that record for as long as it did! kudos to them
  9. in my field of work and all the recent storms we've had i have been witnessing some insane things.. Lighting stuck the house and took out every single piece of electrical equipment EXCEPT for my equipment on surge surpreser. Another job lightning stuck the neighbors house and the neighbor was fine but literally blew every piece of electronic equipment except for the appliances/computer. Another one was a surge came through the cable line, through the cable box back fed into the house THROUGH THE SURGE PROTECTOR and blew the clients computer/ipad up stairs but the rest of the house including my AV equipment was fine. lighting/surges can be strange so i wouldnt completely rule out that idea as far fetched as it may sound. glad the builder is working with you! also good that you put a whole home surge protector in, redundancy is best when it comes to this kind of stuff
  10. LOVE that candy apple red.. Now do a 6 speed manual swap on that
  11. why does everyone assume im the plastidip god there are literally 3 things on my car that are dipped, gas cap/side scuttles BUT, plastidiping your new rims will give you an idea of how great it would look powder dipped Congrats again, shes a beauty.
  12. I would stay away from an Audi (as much as im a fan) they can bring an immense amount of joy until you have a problem and then your bank account is wiped clean. honestly, as a 22 year old that has very expensive car taste i would say sit down long and hard and make sure this is what you want, especially being in college. Do you have the means to afford the car and go out with everyone over the weekends or will having this car force you to work instead of going out therefor negating your college experience. Even so, I would honestly tell you to keep the car you have and stash the difference in car payments from your current one to your "new" one in an account and dont touch it until your out of college, you would be surprised how quick that would grow and by the end of college you can either afford the car of your dreams (reasonably of course) or use that money for a appreciating asset like a house. I constantly sit back and wish i didnt have such expensive taste in cars, purchased a cheap decent car and stashed the money away because the money ive poured into my cars i could honestly be in a really nice house right now (at 22) I was honestly going to purchase an RS5 and was saving for one until they announced it was going to be available only in automatic, i have sense stashed away that money for a down payment on a house. I have seriously been through more cars since 17 then most have been in their entire life (some of them being work vehicles) But as a car guy i would go with a WRX STI Good Luck!
  13. that sucks brandi! hope you get it resolved... This is not true, most people are not willing to pay. I do give a crap about my work but 90% of people that i give quotes to are not willing to pay my prices to get top notch work done in the beginning.. Guess who gets a call a month later asking if I could fix what the cheapest company screwed up. granted I do run across alot of hacked work by top notch companies that simply do not care anymore that also tend to be slightly cheaper then me. so us companies are out there its just the "amazon" mentality ive also had to fire plenty of customers that were starting to cheap out on projects. i had one client tell me to go F my self because my hourly rate is now 165/hour to make up for the lost profit in items like AVR's, Speakers Etc.
  14. I just wanted to let you guys know about a situation i had come up over the past few weeks. I know there are alot of small business owners on here and just wanted to reinforce the point of how important it is to have an attorney you can call up when a situation arises. I was going to let it go and see what happened but my fellow CI brothers pushed me to call my attorney to take care of this turd. This is my Original post on another forum: And my update post: I sent him an invoice as a last "up yours" and didnt expect to see a dime, imagine my shock when I opened the letter with a check This can happen to anyone, please dont give into people like this. you work too hard building your company for some low life to try and ruin it. I hated to do what i did but im glad i did it. My attorney still wants me to press charges but I dont think I will. you can read the whole conversation here.. **Language Warning** RC: UPDATE! WOW internet blackmail at its finest, what to do? (Page 1 of 4)
  15. I cant get this song outa my head lol [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpHePXBf060]Florida Georgia Line - Cruise [Official Single] - YouTube[/ame]
  16. WOW! Im usually not a vette kinda guy but congrats shes gorgeous, looks super unique and just plain aweomse!!! those rims are screaming to be powder coated black
  17. see thats the thing, i dont know if its cloth, vinyl or cloth infused with vinyl...ive searched and cant find anything that says what it is...mopar sells something but if adams stuff will work I ofcourse would rather use adams. if nothing that adams has will work ill try that 303 stuff! cool idea using adams clear polish on the windows!
  18. Wow that first bag is sweeet! For 129 bucks I might pick one up, never herd of them before
  19. My brother is a proud new owner of a Gecko Jeep Wranger Sport, and ive been commisioned to take care of it Let me first say, im hooked and am looking at getting a wrangler soon Anyway, im stumped on how to clean the softop/windows. Im going to guess adams glass cleaner and MF will be fine for the windows. What has me really stumped is how to clean/protect the top..it seems like its a fabric and i want to say there is some rubber in there but not sure...I assume i cant use VRT on it? What can i use? new car prep to come soon TIA!
  20. Oops, forgot to update this thread a few months ago...Both Pairs have been SOLD! as of 4/28/2012 please lock or delete...Thanks Guys!!
  21. Nice! i just use my Masterblaster and blow er dry, takes 3 minutes and outside is completely dry. The inside is still damp but drys pretty quickly. Using the masterblaster it also allows you to take a look deep in the mit for anything that could cause swirls.
  22. It would be worth a shot with the consumer affairs, that would pull more weight then the BBB as they have the ability to pull their license. but seeing how you dont have any proof your really SOL, hes got more proof then you just buy having an invoice and a record showing that he sent someone out to "preform" services. Even by leaving something on your door is pretty much the same as a "signed" bill.... BTW: i assume you mean Elkins? those sleezballs went out of business, the building is still vacant. Their other location in marlton is still named elkins but some dude bought them and wiped out their entire staff and replaced them with "OK" peeps. My dad bought a car their once, was one of the worst experiences he had ever had
  23. You know i am a business owner, i have been on jobs where assholes like this guy get away with murder. Contractually he did "perform" the work, even though it sucked. Any court is going to side with him. I was on a job site where the pool builder walked off the job, he ended up getting paid for the entire thing because the court ruled in his favor. Your SOL man there are actually more laws in place to protect the contractor then there is to protect the homeowner. Also because he "performed" the work going to consumer affairs isnt going to do squat. Filing with the BBB is a waste of time, its a useless entity and a waste of money for a company to "be on there" even if you do a search for a company they never pop up. The best i can tell you is pay up, then post on every review site including google about the sleezy job he did. Angies list pulls its own weight too, sign up for them and write a review their. But dont bother with the BBB. Im actually going through the oposit right now, a @$$hole customer is threatening me with poor reviews everywhere because I wont give into his request to upgrade his AVR. RC: WOW internet blackmail at its finest, what to do? (Page 1 of 4) one call into my lawyer and i havent heard from him since, my lawyer wants me to press charges against this turd for slander/blackmail and make an example out of him, especially with the media but im still on the fence about doing so.
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