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Everything posted by Beemer

  1. I hope everyone there in CO is OK. Pretty unbelievable scene.....
  2. "Witnesses said a heckling fan called Crawford, who is black, a "monday" before a game between the New Hampshire Fisher Cats and Portland Sea Dogs. Crawford said he interpreted the word as a racial slur." Pardon my ignorance but someone please 'splain to me how this is a racial slur. Or even an insult. I honestly don't get it. I'm sure I'm missing something.
  3. If you're on the interstate they're not that bad because the cars in front of you already cleaned them off. On back roads with little traffic, however, you can actually see them crawling on the pavement at 70 MPH. They tend to hop up just in time to hit the front bumper and grill. Very few hit the windshield.
  4. 5 minute WW soak did the trick. Rinse w/ water from the hose. 99% gone. No rubbing whatsoever. Again - I'll wash in the morning. The sVRT treated grill rinsed off even easier than the paint.
  5. Yup. The whole Adam's arsenal. I'm soaking it with some WW right now and will hose it off soon. I'll get up early tomorrow and do a full wash. Too hot now....
  6. Went for a drive today. Lovely summer day. Back country Texas roads. Grasshopper season. AKA: BUG-ageddon. On a positive note - if any of you are going for a drive tomorrow feel free. I'm pretty sure I got them all.
  7. If I remember correctly Adam and Dylan say that it MIGHT haze again after 12 hours or so. Be prepared to wipe it down again. I don't think it always will haze again because there's too many variables - thickness, time, temp, humidity, etc.
  8. IMHO the best baseball movie of all time: 61* Billy Crystal, who loves baseball and loves the Yankees, nailed it. Must see for any baseball fan.
  9. I'm with ya there, bud. I love them all (well, maybe not the stinking Gi'nts). But you gotta root root root for the home team. Winning is, like, better than losing. - "Nuke" LaLoosh
  10. It's hard to believe but Disney had the right idea when they renamed them the Anaheim Angels. Their idea was to tie the Angels in w/ Disneyland so everyone KNEW where Anaheim was. How about working to place Anaheim on the map rather than giving up and wiping it off.
  11. Owning a baseball team is not the same as owning a billboard.
  12. I think I'm having the DTs. I'm gonna pull out my DVD of the '88 World Series to get my fix.
  13. Maybe it's just me but I don't see Melky getting the full worth out of that car. I might be wrong....
  14. I actually programmed a "213" button on my remote just in case someone (GASP!) was watching something else when I go to it.
  15. I spend less time watching ESPN now that there's the MLB channel and the MLB package on DirecTV but I have to defend them here. I don't think it's a coincidence that the explosive growth of MLB over the last two decades has corresponded with the growth of ESPN. The same could be said for Selig. While I certainly don't agree with EVERYTHING he's done and said you can't deny the success the sport has enjoyed during his tenure.
  16. Even though I didn't get the count right (+14? Yikes!) I feel vindicated because my pick of the Young Prince was spot on. Actually - if Kemp and Cano would have done ANYTHING I would have been right there. Trumbo was very impressive. It's very rare for a rookie to do well in this contest. Joey Bats just got a bit tired. Prince is a BEAST! Love the fountain hits!
  17. I'll play! My number is 96. My hitter is Prince Fielder. I'm pretty stoked, too. Love me some HRD!
  18. Yep - same dude. If I understand correctly - Giancarlo was ALWAYS his first name. He just went by Mike. He decided to start going by his real first name in order to score better w/ the babes. Because being a MLB player just isn't enough anymore.
  19. I believe G.Stanton is a scratch. Not sure who's replacing him...
  20. Double walk-off! Mets walk-off the Phils! Nats walk-off the Stinking G'ints! I love baseball!
  21. Hamilton was invited but he declined. I don't know about the big Dunkey. I think it's smart of Hammy to decline. He'll never be able to duplicate the magic of a few years ago. Why try? Let that be your legacy. I don't think it has anything to do with average.
  22. I was quite suprised as well. Usually the NY teams have a HUGE advantage in voting. I guess it's nice to see the left coast get some love but I agree D.Wright should be the starter.
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