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Everything posted by Junkman2008

  1. Nothing fancy here except that my garage probably beats everyone's for age. It was built in 1890. I like it because I can do real work in there and not worry about what spills on the floor. Oh, and apparently I'm one of the few with a luxury built in. A drain so that I can wash my rides in the winter time.
  2. Adam, that is not a cheap camera! I can't wait to see the production. You slick Hollywood types!
  3. Okay, okay...I'll go and make one. I'm about due anyway!
  4. Oh, we couldn't use a hand held Sony cam or something, we had to go get all production professional with the chest mounted rumble-cam!
  5. Holy Newton's first law of motion Batman! :willy: Me and Will Perdue showing off his NBA championship rings: Me and Tyson, and he didn't even try to nibble on my ears!
  6. That's real good information to know Adam! 4:1. I had been experimenting with it but hadn't quite got it right which is why I kept buying the DP stuff. Now I know! Yep, you can't beat the garage wash during the winter months!
  7. Man, I could do this for days... 3 ducks... Lining up for a few laps around Atlanta Motor Speedway... The Louisville Slugger... My cat. Look at his eyes. He's intense at the VET! My quarterpanel... The frozen fountain on my street... My friends grandkids... Icicles at my house... Jim Sharp's interior... Lunch! Kentucky fall... Clouds over Kentucky... Louisville skyline... I like to call this one "Mick Fish" lol! Old Glory... Snow in my trees... A really big spider... Storm damage on my street... I could go on for days...
  8. One very important detail about this product that people who don't clean carpet for a living miss is that it contains no soap. This is the key reason that makes it such a good product. If you ask anyone who cleans carpet or cloths, they will tell you that when you put too much soap down and don't get it all the way out, not only is the fabric still dirty, but it will get noticeably dirtier, quicker. A lot of guys make this mistake when cleaning their car's carpet. If you don't have a carpet cleaner, then putting a bunch of soapy cleaner down is a death sentence for your carpet. First, you will not be able to throughly rinse your carpet and thus, the trapped dirt will begin the grinding process which can actually wear holes in your carpet. Thus, a product like this is safe for those who make the too much soap mistake or don't have a carpet cleaner with the ability to throughly rinse the carpet. You don't need a carpet cleaner when using this product. This is great for keeping spots from becoming eye sores. Use it to keep not only your ride's interior looking sharp, but your upholstered furniture inside the house clean too. Don't get just one, but order 2 bottles for the house and garage.
  9. One thing that we must all understand here is what one man considers scratch free paint might be hideous to another. I would goes a far to say that I am more toward the extreme end of anal when it comes to scratches. With that said, any opportunity that you take to touch the paint with ANYTHING is a opportunity to scratch the paint. It took me forever to find just the right type of cloths that I could use to wipe the wax and compounds off the car. Using a brush of any kind would just about gouge my finish. I have it such a condition that gently wiping your finger across it while light dust is on the car will scratch it. If a slight touch will cause scratches, then a snow brush or anything similar will demolish the finish. Look at this picture below. That finish looks hideous. I took this picture years ago before I even knew that companies like Adam's existed. I thought wax was something that had a turtle on it and you bought it at Pep Boys or Auto Zone. Pay particular attention to the passenger side door where the sunlight is hitting it. My paint was such horrible shape that today I cringe when I see that picture. I have since deleted every picture I have from way back then because it hurts to look at them. Here's the kicker. I though my car's paint looked good. I wouldn't have taken so many pictures, including this one if I didn't think it was sharp. Now that I have trained eyes, I'm ashamed that I drove it around looking like this. At the same time, I find myself looking at other car's paint as I'm stopped at a stop light or walking through a parking lot. I'm not talking about beaters, I'm talking about brand new cars that are not a year old. Because their paint is not being cared for properly, their paint is starting to look like the paint on my car in that picture. An untrained eye will not even notice it until you bring it to their attention. So when I come across a thread like this, I wonder if the opinions being expressed about what to touch your paint with are being given by eyes that were like mine when I took that picture. I say all that to preface this. ANYTHING that you rub across your paint can cause scratches, but if your paint is in the shape mine was in when I took that picture, you wouldn't even notice it. Those brushes at the do it yourself car wash? You may as well be keying your own car if you use them. A brush for knocking snow off the car? Even worse. Those bristles are as hard as nails to your paint. If my car sat outside and was snowed on, the only way that I would get the snow off the paint is to let it melt. Yea, you can knock off the top layer to speed up the process, but you don't even want to get close to the paint with anything. The other night, I got caught in a light rain. I pulled into the garage and went to wipe it down. The first wipe across the fender left spider web thin scratches. How? Because there was this ever so thin layer of road grime on the car. Now I have to wash it again and break out my Adam's Swirl and Haze Remover in order to get those scratches out. On a dark car, it is a constant battle and a labor of love to keep those scratches out. But at the same time, you really appreciate it when your finish looks like this: Sorry for my "War and Peace" post. Hopefully someone will benefit from my ramblings!
  10. Here's a short video of my foam gun set for full foam. When you set it this way, it uses up the contents of that quart bottle pretty fast.
  11. You'd be nice too if someone shaved you bare and sent you out in the world with nothing on but a pair of furry boots and gloves!
  12. The offer still stands if you feel like driving!
  13. Come on over. My heated garage is your heated garage!
  14. Yea, hardener and whatever else they put in paint. My father owned a body shop for 30 years and one would think that I would know something about this stuff but I had no desire to learn it whatsoever when I was a kid. My loss now. I guess I could teach myself like I've done with everything else. One day...
  15. You can wash it all you want but waxing it is a different story. Also, you don't want to be doing a whole lot of rubbing on fresh paint. Paint has to cure before you can wax it. Because the paint in the can is too thick to shoot through a spray gun, thinner has to be mixed into it. Once the paint is on the car, all the stuff that wasn't part of the original paint needs time to exorcise itself out of the paint. If you wax it and seal it in, then the paint will do something funky. They say to wait 60 days but it really depends on what kind of wax you use and the climate you're in. I forget what the additive is called but some waxes can be used right after a paint job. One of the Adam's guys can tell you if theirs fits that billet.
  16. Not the banana pudding! My blood/sugar goes through the roof after a spoonful of that stuff! Man, it sure is good though...! I've got to make it again. Maybe I'll do a small bowl...
  17. I guess you can call it that! I did that this year. Always liked the Tiger Shark nose.
  18. As long as you don't mind green sausages!
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