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Everything posted by TheBurninator

  1. I use another company's air freshener's occasionally. They last about 2-3 days for the smell and then disapate. I like to use them before car shows or to cover up any smells like fast food type stuff and sometimes it is nice having a pleasant smell in a car when you get in. You are completely right though, there is no way 1 scent would work for everyone. You would realistically need 3-4.
  2. The only thing I can see myself going through that much product in a year is APC. I worry about the shelf life after that long.
  3. Might want to add in a dilution for car wash shampoo as a delecate wheel cleaner/maintanance wheel cleaner. I've been using 16:1 and it does a great job if your wheels are sealed.
  4. Usually VW uses a heavy metalic pad, not quite as bad as BMW pads though. They have probably been changed out for a ceramic pad with less dust, or even just a cheaper brake pad in general that is non-metalic.
  5. For the hazing you have a couple of options. Either wetsand and use a slightly stronger polish like Mothers... Or grab a set of cotton buff wheels and the correct polishing compounds. You will get much better results that way. Adam's makes a great metal polish for finishing, but it can't handle heavy stuff very well. I have always found truck wash's to be a great resource for polishing stuff.
  6. I just did a quick google search to find out about bending macbooks. Looks like they are pre-2010 for anything I can find with that issue.
  7. I went from Linux on many different laptops. Always had issues with them. Multiple HP's, Multiple Dell's at work, and I am now on my 4th Lenovo T420 at work as well. Went and bought a macbook for personal use and haven't looked back. If you need Windows you can dual boot or run a VM for windows. The hardware isn't really that special on Mac's anymore. They are all x86_64 architecture and can run Windows, Linux, or OSX on bare metal without issues really. As far as physical build quality I have never been more impressed with a laptop. They are built like tanks and have excellent fit and finish. I am only a year into this one, but it gets used and thrown into the car or my backpack every day. No issues from the hardware.
  8. When you are taping the strips leave a bit of over hang by about an 1/8th of an inch.
  9. I also have a few lug nut brushes and wheel woolies for cleaning engine bay stuff. The lug nut brushes I cut down all but one of them to have shorter bristles. Works really well. Just don't let it dry is the big thing to prevent any staining. Pretty much this. I find Adam's APC isn't really strong enough to cause staining. But if you are worried about it always err to the side of caution.
  10. I've been getting a couple months out if it... I know Dylan has been doing some new product testing on some new sealants. Might be something along the lines that you are looking for
  11. Ohh that's a good idea. Something like Meg's D156!!
  12. This. Quick sealant holds up extremely well on wheels and is my goto since the application is so easy. It would be cool to see an AIO with a medium cut with a long lasting sealant. Something in the neighborhood of LPS for durability. Especially with the abilities I have seen recently from a couple of other companies in this department.
  13. I figured you were shipping from the warehouse again since the red caps are back.
  14. I wouldn't worry about the anodized parts. Short of spraying oven cleaner on them the anodizing isn't going to come off. The silicone couplers will be fine as well. As for the cast aluminum intake manifold I would start with using the fender brush and see if that can agitate the dirt off. It doesn't look too bad compared to other cars I have dealt with.
  15. I sort of did an experiment at the beginning of summer. Not a panel per panel, but with sealant on I drove for a week. Minimal dust day to day. As soon as I stacked some Americana on the car I walked out of my house before leaving for work the next day. The car was covered in pollen.
  16. I've stopped using Waxes on my daily. Sealant only with no topper or just a quick detail spray wipedown for a topper. Waxes seem to collect a ton of pollen and dust compared to sealants.
  17. As long as the weather is decent I try not to miss C&C. Stick around a bit longer next time. There were cars still rolling in at 9am
  18. Welcome back Dylan. Neil and I just missed you when we were heading into Cars and Coffee on Saturday. It was cool getting to see the C10 in person even if it was only a glimpse.
  19. My experience has been that TID leaves a slippery residue too on rubber mats too. I gave up on dressing mats and just clean them really well now.
  20. I had my Flex rotary and Cyclo with me on vacation when I was detailing a buddy's car. Another buddy of mine kept making comments about how awkward it looked so I had him try it out. He didn't want to give it back. It is oddly ergonomic to use, and not fatiguing at all.
  21. I like TID better than D149 for most applications. I think D149 is better for very fine textured plastics where TID tends to streak, but door panels, etc TID is the clear winner for me.
  22. I am pretty sure the idea of black wheels in general is to not make them pop. Should have gotten silver wheels if you wanted pop.
  23. I dilute it as well, I have found it strong enough to remove the dye on one of my cars. I really save it for the dirtiest of jobs.
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