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welp rain was in the forecast so i wasn't able to apply a coat of BG and APW, just enough time to apply some glass sealant before the drizzle started... guess it will have to wait til after christmas when i hopefully get a big box of Adam's gear including the new quick sealant! supposed to rain all week :(

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Took the girls to Grandma's then went to the office for the morning. Lunch time comes and I got the girls and went home. Put them down for their afternoon nap which I thought looked like fun so I joined them. One hour forty five minutes of sack time in the comfy chair was just what I needed! Tomorrow I am washing, clay barring and sealing the monster in law's 2008 Impala. At least it's white and hides all sins. If I can find the time I'll wash my car and the lovely wife's TBSS as well.

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Like that enclosure you have there ssbusdrvr. The wife has always commented on them when we have gone to Florida. And a place to keep her birds. However they would need to be fenced in a corner, not free reign.


Today, we went over to the cousins house and had a luncheon. It was nice to see a lot of people that I don't see too often or every couple years. And washed the truck. Will get the car tomorrow.

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Like that enclosure you have there ssbusdrvr. The wife has always commented on them when we have gone to Florida. And a place to keep her birds. However they would need to be fenced in a corner, not free reign.

Thank you. Have actually seen enclosures with built in Aviarys. Ours keeps the birds, bird size mosquitos and gators out.

PrideRock LOL


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Woke my kid up this morning to get him off to school, and he say's to me, "See you tomorrow morning dad". See him for about an hour in the mornings and haven't seen the wife (awake) since Sunday.


Typical day today for December where I never think Iam going to finish, but some how always do. :willy: Greatful to be employed however and will always take way too much over not enough or none at all. Especially in this economy.

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2008fx4.... I want your job.

If you work hard, follow the right path and go for what you enjoy most than you can have anything you want out of life. You just have to make it happen. :2thumbs:


rain.gif Its raining and in the 40s this morning. Nice winter for Michigan. NOT!


I am working and I just finished my coffee and I need more but have none. :willy:




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Be happy that you have a job Mike..


For sure I am. I have worked hard @ the same joint for 16 years. They get their $'s worth out of me. I generally take a "mental health" day every so often. I'll be working tonight, as well as tomorrow night, anyway. I out in a lot of extra hours so I don't feel bad.

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I took one of my remaining vacation days today (use it or lose it.) I dropped the twins off at Grandma's then went back home. I ran two loads through the dishwasher and cleaned the kitchen (Mama better be happy.) I took out the trash, hung some shelves in the garage and had lunch. The afternoon belonged to me and the G8. I gave her a rinse less wash followed up by a Detail Spray wipe down. Windows got cleaned with Adam's Glass Cleaner and tires got SVRT. :drool: I used my new Single Soft towels today, I'm impressed to say the least. I regret not getting more on that weekend special. Then it was back to Grandma's to get the twins. Presently they are napping but I'm getting them up in about 15 minutes.


Life is grand and I am surely blessed. :)

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did some laundry and cleaned up the apartment. then headed up to the shop to give the car a bath. treated it with the 2 bucket was followed by a DS dry. then applyed some new spray sealant. this stuff was so easy to put on and came off clean! car is all shined up now :D

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uV0__zyUcAk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YG3rEPM02s4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NcV5U3RiTvM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




got it to work. weird

Edited by 2008fx4
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Glad to hear that Iam not the only one with the embedding issue.


Liked the video, Thanks for sharing. What I liked most was what looked like ideal temps. 28 degrees here today. Tired of the snow.


On topic, I did some Christmas shopping for the wife. And then later went out again, with the wife, and together we bought a few more items for others and finished up the kid. Always a lot fun to shop for the kid, and to see his face on Christmas morning. I always enjoying seeing his excitement on Christmas morning.


Everybody has gone to bed and Iam in the process of wrapping gifts, and enjoying the quiet time.

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At work, again...


About videos... always work for me. After I clicked on your video, under the actual video click on share, then click on embed, the copy the code and paste it here.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NcV5U3RiTvM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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