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Doing a rinseless on the truck and my 2 yr old thought itd be a great idea to help Dad by "wash wash" with a fresh towel out of the bucket on the sandy salty driveway lol.


-1 Towel in garbage.



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Plasti-dipped the saddles for the floor jacks so they don't scratch the truck frame.



Dipped them four times, allowing half a day to cure between coats, since it went on really thick.  Also hung them upside down so it would be thicker on the edges that touch the truck.

Man. I need to do this to mine. I've been using a old rag for now.

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Never have seen the temperature drop like it did today.  Literally stopped and made a delivery, and the temperature was about 65 like it had been all day.  Drove around the corner to my next stop and got out.  It was freezing.  Customer later on told me that he watched the temperature drop 25 degrees in 5 minutes.  And it started snowing.

Edited by LFairbanks
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Today while wiping the Dart down with detail spray:


Wife: Did you wash your car today? 

Captain Slow: Mmmmhmmmm.

Wife: What, did it have a speck of dust on it?

Captain Slow: Yeah...and?

Wife: You have a problem.

Captain Slow: What? (Looks at car thinking he may have missed a spot.) Where? (Looks even harder, gets low to look even closer, face almost on paint)

Wife: You have a sickness.

Captain Slow: No. I feel fine, it's probably just allergies.

Wife: (Looks at Captain Slow, looks at incredibly clean and shiny Dart, shakes her head and walks back in house.)

Captain Slow: (Shrugs shoulders and continues to look for missed spot.)

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Today while wiping the Dart down with detail spray:


Wife: Did you wash your car today? 

Captain Slow: Mmmmhmmmm.

Wife: What, did it have a speck of dust on it?

Captain Slow: Yeah...and?

Wife: You have a problem.

Captain Slow: What? (Looks at car thinking he may have missed a spot.) Where? (Looks even harder, gets low to look even closer, face almost on paint)

Wife: You have a sickness.

Captain Slow: No. I feel fine, it's probably just allergies.

Wife: (Looks at Captain Slow, looks at incredibly clean and shiny Dart, shakes her head and walks back in house.)

Captain Slow: (Shrugs shoulders and continues to look for missed spot.)


Her next comment will be, "your going to wash the paint off that car",....lol


As for my day, got up early and gave the truck a bath.  Windstorm from hell on Tuesday and it started raining.  So a muddy rain.  Then it started snowing.  So needless to say it was a disaster.  Tried the HGG and loved it.  About as easy as it comes.  


Patching a good size hole in sheetrock that required it being cut out and replaced.  Kinda dumb what caused it.  Kids.  Making him pay for it.  Told him he was lucky Dad is able to fix it.  First experience with hot mud and found it pretty easy to use and makes short work out of a mud and tape job.  

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I attended the Goodguys Florida Nationals.  We took the 1912 American Race Car, and it was very well received!  There were tons of great looking cars and trucks (sorry my camera is not working so no pictures), but I did get to meet the owner of this fantastic, award winning Nova::



The car is even better in person, with tons of custom touches.  Here is a link to a write up with lots more pictures - http://www.chevyhardcore.com/features/car-features/steve-tornaris-miranda-built-1967-nova-street-machine-of-the-year/

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Finally decided to try out the rinse less wash w/the original blue edgeless towels they released with.  So quick run down, used 4 towels for the rinse less, must say this works real well.  Ended up claying, sealing, vrt the tires, and laying down some americana afterwards.  



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I was at a Colorado meet up in CT over the weekend when one of the youngsters was listening in on a conversation I was having about Adams products when he asked, "is there a difference between polish and wax"


So instead of getting down on him like most people would, I told him I would show him the difference.  Luckily for me there was this nice and swirly red Colorado hood I was able to give a slight demonstration for.


This picture was taken after the demonstration but next to where I did the demo so you can still see the swirls:
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Decided to spring clean the motorcycle leathers today. Leather cleaner to start and then go to the cart in the garage and grab an applicator from yesterday with Leather conditioner on it and the orange bottle off the cart. Get done with the jacket and the leather couch I'm sitting on and I'm "man, this doesn't seem to be working well and whys it so chalky?"


Look at bottle.......... Paint correcting Polish




Reclean and grab the correct orange bottle lol. At least my couch gloves and jacket are swirl free.

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These are the beads from the rain after my last wash and dry with HGG.



This is a pic from today all dirty after the little bit of rain we had this week. But still looking good. The VRT still looks great on the tires and so does everything underneath I sprayed with undercarriage detailer.


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Replaced the resin in the DI filters.





Spent an hour with the clay bar getting road paint off the wheel wells.  Got most of it off, except on the textured plastic, will have to use a solvent tomorrow.



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Had some time to kill while it was still nice out so I decided to do some cleaning. APC with a toothbrush followed up with VRT.







The difference is amazing.

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