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Question Regarding Car Cover



Wasn't sure where to post this but thought this would be a good place. I am about to deploy overseas next month for a year, and needing to leave my vehicle behind I have been stuck deciding whether to leave my truck in a storage garage or buy a car cover for it. I already found a pretty decently priced storage unit, but buying a cover for it will obviously be cheaper. Knowing that my sister will be driving the truck every so often so i don't get flat spots with my rims, the cover will have to be taken off and then put back on several times. Just wanted to ask which you all would go with (pay extra for secured indoor garage, or buy a cover).



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13 answers to this question

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A car cover outside for a year can do more damage to the car then you think. Every piece of dust that gets under the cover will be stuck there. Add wind and weather and that dust will just beat against the paint. For a weekend I can see how it might be helpful, but an entire year...you will be wetsanding the paint when you get back.


Your best bet is to clean the car to as perfect as possible. Use sealant and then wax the car a couple of times to get a nice protective coat. Then get a storage unit. Clean the storage unit as much as you can to get as much dust out. Then you could put the car cover on to keep any dust off the car that accumulates over the next year. The lack wind shoud keep the cover from causing damage. In fact the cover may not be needed if you clean the car and storage unit and seal the storage unit as best as you can.


Do you have anyone that might be able to go to the storage unit to dust the car every once in a while?

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A car cover outside for a year can do more damage to the car then you think. Every piece of dust that gets under the cover will be stuck there. Add wind and weather and that dust will just beat against the paint. For a weekend I can see how it might be helpful, but an entire year...you will be wetsanding the paint when you get back.


Your best bet is to clean the car to as perfect as possible. Use sealant and then wax the car a couple of times to get a nice protective coat. Then get a storage unit. Clean the storage unit as much as you can to get as much dust out. Then you could put the car cover on to keep any dust off the car that accumulates over the next year. The lack wind shoud keep the cover from causing damage. In fact the cover may not be needed if you clean the car and storage unit and seal the storage unit as best as you can.


Do you have anyone that might be able to go to the storage unit to dust the car every once in a while?


Yeah my sister/ parents are gonna maintain it while im gone. Already let them know what to use and how to use it.

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Yeah my sister/ parents are gonna maintain it while im gone. Already let them know what to use and how to use it.



Brilliant. If done often enough they can just go over it with a leaf blower, LOL. That way they never have to actually touch the car.


Goo dluck on your deployment. Going anywhere fun?

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Thanks for the advice guys. The place im gonna leave it has a unit on hold for me til then. Again thank you all.

P.S.- Just got everything in that I ordered. Time to get down to the nitty gritty. :)

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