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What did I do wrong here...



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A PC will take those out, and certainly a flex will as well. Just for your info, I see tons of nice MB's around here with holograms on them.


Black is demanding, but when you get it all cleaned up and hologram free, it is amazing. If you can get black beautiful, you can do any other color, I'd think, as it is fussy and shows Everything. :thumbsup:

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Thank you everyone I really appreciate your responses and knowledge and also correcting me on the FLEX. I hesitated a bit putting this post up but I need to learn somewhere... Too bad it was on my baby :willy: TG I only did one pass...


We all do something wrong from time to time it's call being human.:cheers:

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that will definitely make some nice before pics..


Yeah I'm going to get my digital camera and get some good lighting pics. May tape off a section and do a side by side comparison. As you can see where that side scoop and above the rear wheel well is there are tons of fine scratches.

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Thank you everyone I really appreciate your responses and knowledge and also correcting me on the FLEX. I hesitated a bit putting this post up but I need to learn somewhere... Too bad it was on my baby :willy: TG I only did one pass...

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I have a rotary in my garage. It's for decoration! I never got the hang of it in high school body shop and I'm not about to buy a junk hood or door to practice on when I have a DA polisher.


Meg's UC is right up there with their M105 in terms of aggressiveness.


The people here are right: once you get your PC that which is pictured is EASILY fixed. Wash, clay bar and do your test spot. Be patient and don't sweat it. Most of us here have been there, done that. We live we learn.


Just remember to post up pics here of before :eek: and after. :drool:




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You are not the first to do that and you won't be the last. The good news is you can fix that with a PC, just take your time and watch the video's over and over before working on your paint :thumbsup:

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I've used a rotary for over 30 years and get good results but it takes years of practice to master it.

I say put that thing away ASAP :help:

Call Adam's and buy you a :pc:, his 4 pad set, backing plate and SSHR, SHW and FMP for starters.

You can fix this with asking questions here and watch Junkman's video's.

You're not the first to use a rotary and cause this damage.

I very seldom use my rotary anymore since buying the PC, great tool.


Wash it and clay it well before you begin, Adam has good clay so I'd buy some here as well.


Send me a PM if you need help, happy to share what I know. :cheers:

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Upon further research and after discovering Adams about a month ago I've watched videos of the Flex Polisher rotary tool leaving non of these "Holograms". What in the heck did I do wrong here...?


Bad technique coupled with a rotary and thats about what will happen.


FWIW - the flex is not a rotary, it has driven rotation, but the primary movement is still oscillation so holograms are not a concern with it. Your picture above is the EXACT reason we're not in the business of selling rotary polishers. Being that so many of our customers are new to machine polishing it would be irresponsible of us.


The upside... thats very much fixable with a DA polisher.


I've always detailed by hand but six months ago acquired a rotary buffer and some Megs pads. I decided first to try it out on my Black 99 Mustang GT to take off the light scratches and swirl marks.


Heres your other problem... you took really aggressive products, and the most aggressive tool you could use to correct "light scratches and swirl marks." The method was very much overkill for light imperfections... why use a bazooka to kill a housefly when a rolled up newspaper works just as well?

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Nice buffer trails: lack of knowledge of the tools, polishes.


I agree :o


On the positive side, you got your holograms for free. I see lots of folks that paid a 'detailer' to get theirs!


Rotarys are fine tools, but there is a big learning curve. Get yourself some body panels from the junkyard to get your technique down.

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1. Rotary

2. Meguires

3. Aggressive pad/polish

4. USED pad (you don't know what someone else did to it)

5. Probably incorrect technique for your rotary


Adams might be able to fix that.


Cool mustang btw.



I would wait till Adams products come to your door then use there stuff to get that paint corrected. Make sure you watch those videos of Adam and Junkman it would help.:cheers:

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1. Rotary

2. Meguires

3. Aggressive pad/polish

4. USED pad (you don't know what someone else did to it)

5. Probably incorrect technique for your rotary


Adams might be able to fix that.


Cool mustang btw.




That does make sense - I never thought about having a correct technique for a specific rotary. The pad was in good shape and clean but I guess you never do know. And yes probably wrong pad and polish for my application...


In about 2 weeks I'll be well stocked with Adams PC products(already have the PC). I'm hoping the SSR with its adjoining pad will do the trick.

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1. Rotary

2. Meguires

3. Aggressive pad/polish

4. USED pad (you don't know what someone else did to it)

5. Probably incorrect technique for your rotary


Adams might be able to fix that.


Cool mustang btw.

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