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One Pass with SSR & SHR - LOOK!

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Right at the moment that I am posting this, there are 1132 people online (280 members and 852 guests). Eight hundred and fifty-two lurkers??? What are you boys and girls waiting on? JOIN THE FORUM! Those of us who are members here KNOW that these products work as advertised. We need no more proof than the many threads that are already posted. However, here's one more. The members already know what to expect but I will do it one more time.


This is your car:




This is your car on drive through car washes, one bucket washes and improper dust removing practices:




This is my buddies car after using the Flex with one pass of Severe Swirl Remover on the green pad, and Swirl & Haze Remover on the orange pad. No Fine Machine Polish has been used at this point and look at the results!




Lurkers, it's okay to join. Whether you're coming from Maguiar's to Zaino (even you over the counter folks), there's no need to hide. This is the real deal! Take the red pill and find out how deep the rabbit hole goes! :banana:



The Junkman

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****, That looks great. I really need to get me a nice camera....and a PC/Flex. In due time I guess. I really enjoy hand polishing, but you can't beat those results with a machine.


Wow, you can't say D*mn without it getting changed to ****?:lolsmack:

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Nice work as always Junkman. That Flex is one hot lil number!


I found 2 questions set the hook for leery "newbies."


Are you 110% satisfied with the results you're getting with your current product? (Most are usually woefully unhappy, but they just don't know what the alternatives are)


Where's your car?/Can I show what these products can do?


Then the results simply speak for themselves.

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I love me some Flex! Me being limited on the time I can spend on my cars, it SURE does help. I'd rather spend time with my 9 month old than detailing... Sorry to say, but it's true!


Great results as always AJ!



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The Flex is an outstanding polisher but technique trumps product and tools any day. You can use the most expensive, most aggressive product and tools known to man but if you have a lousy technique, your results will stink like a pig farm in the summer time.

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Nice work as always Junkman. That Flex is one hot lil number!


I found 2 questions set the hook for leery "newbies."


Are you 110% satisfied with the results you're getting with your current product? (Most are usually woefully unhappy, but they just don't know what the alternatives are)


Where's your car?/Can I show what these products can do?


Then the results simply speak for themselves.


How about; "how many steps are you currently doing to get from poor to perfect?"


Some products use too many steps IMO.



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your results will stink like a pig farm in the summer time.


I was going to question your knowledge of said aroma, then I thought better.. no more AJ stories or images burned into my memory!


Serious note looks FANTASTIC! Maybe next year I'll pick up a Flex if I have the need.

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How about; "how many steps are you currently doing to get from poor to perfect?"


Some products use too many steps IMO.




Also good. I've found that most people aren't even getting close to perfect though...not even close. They shrug their shoulders and accept mediocrity...until the red pill makes an appearance. :thumbsup:

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You da man AJ.....:2thumbs:


I'm gonna miss you guys this year! :(


AJ can you get those same results using the PC? I know it would take more steps, but how many more in your EXPERT Opinion.


It doesn't take more steps, it would take more passes with each product. How many more passes? I don't have a clue as I didn't use the PC. I would have to try it and see what happens. I can tell you however that it can definitely be done as long as your technique is solid.


Yes junkman...looks great so far....lets see the final results. :jester:



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This is my buddies car after using the Flex with one pass of Severe Swirl Remover on the green pad, and Swirl & Haze Remover on the orange pad. No Fine Machine Polish has been used at this point and look at the results!


Your one pass is a lot better than mine. Not trying to discourage anyone, I own a flex and PC. The flex is awesome but these results are nowhere near my experience.


Great looking job tho.



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