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Winter protection



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I didn't want to hijack Mooks thread, but when are you guys/gals going to winterize your cars paint? All of you people down south...don't rub it in!!!!:lolsmack:



I was thinking mid October...



X2. If you bet on a warm November day it ends up coming in March or April. :willy:

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It'll be nice being away from home for a winter. (Minnesota to Virginia) but mid October sounds about right. We all know how unpredictable the weather can be up north.


All I know for sure is I haaaaaate the salt on the roads.

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Well... my order should ship out Monday, I have 1 car, possibly 2, to do before mine... so I'm looking at mid October some time... holy crap time flies


Oh, where did the summer go? Yes mid October will be a good time to do the winterizing. I plan on a once a month detail during the winter months Nov.- March. We have already had a light frost, seems that each year winter gets longer. I plan a few weeks in Tucson, after the first of the year, and leave the car garaged.

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:mad: I plan on October and if the weather outlook is good will hold off a week or two at most. Let's enjoy what little nice weather we have left. Driving to work on salted roads at 15 mph, just doesn't appeal to me. Nor does parking my car in a lot and having some nutjob crazy freakshow behind the wheel of a runaway salt truck that spreads salt creating high speed projectiles showering my car. I'm thinking orange pylons this year to place 10 feet behind my car.:hi:
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Usually mid to late October for me. This year I am going to try and get a head start and do my paint cleansing, defect removal, chassis and interior in the next week or two and a quick coat of sealant. Then next month just a quick clean up and and a coat or two of sealant and a toper.

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i wont have time to do anything until thanksgiving, next time that ill be home from college besides early november that ill just have enough time to throw on my winter set of wheels/tires. hopefully ill have a heater in the garage, need to try and get some super sealant and more americana on the paint.

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Yeah, I sure hope I don't ruin my finish when we get that 1/4" of slush that one day this winter. Atlanta's 1 salt truck might not even make it out our way by the time it melts the next morning.

I'm stocking up on bread and milk already because late January will be here before you know it. ;)

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