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substitute for tire cleaner



i thought i had ordered some tire cleaner but left it off my order. so until next order time i'm wondering about a substitute. i have one car that has tires with raised white letters and in the past have used westleys tire bleach and a brush on em. but that stuff is really caustic and hard on wheels and also lungs so for just gettin regular tires clean i hate to use it. was wondering how simple green all purpose cleaner works? don't have any and before i went to wallyworld and bought some thought i would ask. i do have a gallon of adams all purpose and wondered how that would work on wheels and tires? i would imagine it would do a good job.. anybody else just use that instead of real tire and wheel cleaner? just want to make sure i don't put something on coated wheels and find out i got marks afterwards. that westleys will really mess things up if you ain't careful....

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11 answers to this question

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Before GWC came out APC was the only Adam's cleaner available for wheels. It will work fine on the wheels and is great for the tires, just don't let it dry on the wheels. Unless they are very, very dirtly, I would suggest mixing the APC 50/50 with water and use that solution first. Remember try the least aggressive method first!

I use a premixed solution of Adam's Car Wash with a foaming sprayer on my wheels, and if they are really dirty, some diluted GWC (60/40% water). I never need full strength GWC on maintained wheels.

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Always APC!:2thumbs:


:iagree: Maybe every other 2 bucket or so. It will remove the dressing, but SVRT lasts long enough in most cases where you shouldn't have to re-apply every 2 bucket, well, at leat not weekly IMHO. I usually do it anyway, just because.

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I wouldn't spray anything that has the word "bleach" anywhere near my wheels.


It's actually Bleche White, and I don't believe there is no bleach in it. It's a pretty harsh tire cleaner that was originally designed for white walls. You definately don't want the stuff on your wheels. Stick with Adam's Les and you'll be fine.

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:iagree: Maybe every other 2 bucket or so. It will remove the dressing, but SVRT lasts long enough in most cases where you shouldn't have to re-apply every 2 bucket, well, at leat not weekly IMHO. I usually do it anyway, just because.



That's why I use the Car Wash Shampoo, the SVRT lasts for several washes!

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