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I'm ashamed to be an American...


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Yep, I actually know this. I found this out when on Autoblog discussing our roads and bridges. When I jokingly said we should have the Chinese build our bridges and fix our roads, someone commented that we already did...


Not sure EVERYONE here knew this...



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considering all the recalls on kids toys made in china, and all the pet food issues we've had with grains from china (which btw confuses me why they would use grain from china when I believe we are the biggest grain producer int he world?) I would not drive on a bridge "made in China".

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tell me about it. And people wonder why we have so many people out of work.


how many construction workers and manufacturing jobs would that have created here if they didn't have the damn thing built in China?


our government (state, local and fed) is a joke.

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I wonder how many of these Chinese laborers making .75 cents an hour are buying Fords, GM's or Mopars? How many of them are buying Adams products? How many of them are paying local, state and federal taxes here in the good ole USA. I think I am going to run for governor here in Michigan next election. The stupidity of our politicians has just simply got to end. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why this country is in such dire straights. As the middle class is under attack, our wages and benefits constantly whittled down to bring us to compete with this .75 cent steel worker, we watch our country die a slow death.

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I wonder how many of these Chinese laborers making .75 cents an hour are buying Fords, GM's or Mopars? How many of them are buying Adams products? How many of them are paying local, state and federal taxes here in the good ole USA. I think I am going to run for governor here in Michigan next election. The stupidity of our politicians has just simply got to end. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why this country is in such dire straights. As the middle class is under attack, our wages and benefits constantly whittled down to bring us to compete with this .75 cent steel worker, we watch our country die a slow death.


I'd vote for ya

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One good thing that I'm noticing lately... People aged 20-40 seem to be more concerned about this stuff than do the boomers, who seem motivated by price and what kind of status money can buy. Maybe there is hope that the generation gaining influence can change things.

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One good thing that I'm noticing lately... People aged 20-40 seem to be more concerned about this stuff than do the boomers, who seem motivated by price and what kind of status money can buy. Maybe there is hope that the generation gaining influence can change things.


Doubt it! The largest issue is educating people to look at where things are made.


I'm in purchasing at work, and am amazed at what is made in China now. It's really very sad.

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No, really, it is more that people don't care about where things are made. The worst thing in the world is to here your dad ***** every morning that the Chinese are making low quality products and we should just cut off relations with them completely, and then watch him pick up a Chinese-made screwdriver later on.

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Doubt it! The largest issue is educating people to look at where things are made.


I'm in purchasing at work, and am amazed at what is made in China now. It's really very sad.


Well, we're all talking about it, so that's a start. Seniors seem more concerned with building a fence to keep out illegals and what the president is or isn't doing with health care and SS dollars. Most 20 somethings I know could care less about a cool car -- they're definitely less materialistic that baby boomers.

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No, really, it is more that people don't care about where things are made. The worst thing in the world is to here your dad ***** every morning that the Chinese are making low quality products and we should just cut off relations with them completely, and then watch him pick up a Chinese-made screwdriver later on.


How do you know my dad?!? :help:

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I'm in purchasing at work, and am amazed at what is made in China now. It's really very sad.


Many years ago I intervied for a job at a place that makes swimming pool heaters. They called me back for a third interview. While on this interview I looked around and started noticing the parts. EVERY SINGLE BOX was imported from China. The president said we want to extend you an offer. I said No Thank You. I prefer working for a company that Supports Americans instead of Foreign Countries. Then I got up and left. They tried to stop me and I said this business will not last and they closed their doors two years later. The next town over is 100% American Parts in it and they are still going strong.

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Sorry to bring this up again, but I just found out that my state, Michigan paid all expenses to send our governor to China last week, to cook up some deal with them. Why on earth would we be sending a USA, government official to a communist country to cook up some deal? Something stinks here. Our governor was a past CEO of Gateway Computers who fired american workers and sent their jobs to China.:mad:

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  • 2 months later...
You know what I have noticed a LOT since Veteran's Day? The amount of Veterans (meaning Vietnam and earlier) I am seeing drive around in a Japanese made auto.


Really? That angers a Mook!


We fought the Germans too. So are BMWs, Porsches, and Mercedes not allowed either?

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