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Long week in the Army!


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What a better way to go through my last week here in Korea before I go on leave next monday. We have had inventories of all of our equipment (tools and other stuff) this whole week. 12+ hours in the motorpool with our commander laying stuff out each day. We also have "Cold weather training" tonight. We have to sleep outside in the motorpool on the ground in our sleeping bags and wake up for a ruckmarch tomorrow morning. And to to top it off I have a 24hr CQ (sit in the barracks, behind a desk making sure soldiers sign in and out) shift starting after the ruckmarch while everyone gets off around 12. I love my job but holy crap lol. I have never been this exhausted in a long time. I want to thank all the forum family members for posting up stuff to read everyday to read so I can feel at home again. So excited to start leave and get back to doing what I love. Thanks you Adam's for being such a great company and for all friendly customers for their outstanding support for the armed forces. Looking forward to maybe seeing some of you while on leave whether it be car shows, etc. Again thank you :D

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Stay with it Matt and thanks for your service. :patriot:


When I was stationed in Okinawa from 83 to 86 we deployed to Bayone Mtn. (a mountain top about 40 miles north of Seoul) for Team Spirit once per year for 3 years in the winter for 45 days straight (14-16 hour days, 7 days a week) I was in (at the time) the only mobile Air Force radar site in the entire Pacific. We were a GCI (Ground Controlled Intercept) unit...much like ATC (Air Traffic Control), except ATC separates planes, GCI brings them together for the dog fights. It was way too cool and one of the best assignments I had in my 20 year career with the Air Force.


Good luck, stay safe and hurry home.

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I'm stationed at Camp Casey up north. Second time being here. The best thing I've experienced here both times is the food and sightseeing down south.


We just got done with the ruckmarch. Talk about freezing. It got around 10 degrees last night and wind was blowing really bad. And to make matters worse my sleeping bad zipper broke lol. I had one of the layers flapping around. Sooooo cold lol.

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Got back last night. Passed out as soon as I got back lol. Woke up this morning to inspect the truck and find it dirty. Its going to rain 4 days in a row starting tomorrow so I'm gonna wait to give it a bath and touch it up.

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I think you got out of Korea just in time!!! Things may get tense there now!


Welcome home! :patriot::patriot::patriot:

Yeah I know right?! I heard about it while I was in the airport.


Welcome home Matt!


Thank you!


Welcome home...



Now show us the room full of Adam's Products you've ordered while you were gone!!!!

As you requested :D



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