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First post! Not just an intro..



Hey everyone, been lurking for a while doing some reading on the products and looking for a good detailing community. I have been a weekend warrior detailer for 5 years or so and a member over on the GTO forum. Been through many PC details on mine and family members' cars and swirl free for quite some time! :pc:


Made my first relatively small order from Adams recently to see if the price is justified on the products and so far have been happy.


HOWEVER... I am home from college and today my mom (yeah, not Adams related) tried to "help" by moving my drying jumbo wash mitt to the garage. Not a problem except she set it on the metal work bench frame I welded together last week... right on top of a hole I had drilled in the angle iron where some metal flakes may still have been sitting. I blew the hole off after being drilled but I'm worried there may still have been some small flakes that are now in the wash mitt. I have looked the mitt over and cannot see anything but am worried I may end up scratching the finish.


Should/can I wash the mitt in the washer and then continue using or is that as risky to my finish as I'm afraid it is? I would really rather not submit another order for one thing as I have tuition payments coming up anyways.



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16 answers to this question

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Wow thanks for the comments and the warm welcome! Looks like everyone pretty much agrees get rid of it which is what I was afraid of.


Time to find a replacement. This one was so new I didn't even get to use it on my own truck... lol just a few other cars that needed some loving. What's the saying... first world problems?


LOL! First world problems indeed. It's bummer to have to s-can the Jumbo, but at least this way you can wash in confidence when you have your replacement!

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Wow thanks for the comments and the warm welcome! Looks like everyone pretty much agrees get rid of it which is what I was afraid of.


Time to find a replacement. This one was so new I didn't even get to use it on my own truck... lol just a few other cars that needed some loving. What's the saying... first world problems?

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Possible metal shavings? Chuck it and get a new one. Not worth the risk.




Welcome, and don't risk it! $8 to insure a scratch-free wash....money well spent. Even go to your local auto parts and get some microfiber wash mitts to use until ours arrive, but just think of how angry you will be with yourself if your car gets scratched up after the next wash!

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I'd say if in doubt throw it out. A new one doesn't cost that much, besides, it'll cost you a lot more if the old one scratches your paint.


I'd have to agree here. Part of the appeal of the standard and jumbo pads is their cost of replacement. If something like this happens they're cheap enough to toss and buy a fresh one.


Get a magnet and go over it.


Not a bad idea. :2thumbs:

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flip a bucket upside down and set the mitt on top of it. hose it down with a strong stream of water, like you'll see in the Adam's instructional videos. if anything is lodged in the mitt, it will come to the surface. let it hang/air dry. and then brush it with your mom's hair brush to make sure everything got out.


and :welcomebanner: to the community

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