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I've got a problem.



I known about Adams for a couple of years but did not place my first order until December. And since then I have placed over $2 grand worth of orders. So I'm wondering if their is a program like AA for Adams. I really think I have an addiction problem and need help. :help:

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I known about Adams for a couple of years but did not place my first order until December. And since then I have placed over $2 grand worth of orders. So I'm wondering if their is a program like AA for Adams. I really think I have an addiction problem and need help. :help:


There is a program. You come to my house and detail my cars for free, then you buy more. Repeat until you are absolutely broke, only then you can go cold turkey.



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I known about Adams for a couple of years but did not place my first order until December. And since then I have placed over $2 grand worth of orders. So I'm wondering if their is a program like AA for Adams. I really think I have an addiction problem and need help. :help:


Think you got it bad, mine addiction was so bad I ended up becoming a dealer. :lolsmack:

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I known about Adams for a couple of years but did not place my first order until December. And since then I have placed over $2 grand worth of orders. So I'm wondering if their is a program like AA for Adams. I really think I have an addiction problem and need help. :help:


Wow, my intro post just a couple of days ago stated I had an addiction. However, I have not broken the $1000 mark like you. This is probably due to the fact that I have only got to use a couple of the products I bought so far. I have all these products and have not even used them yet. The one's I have used have been the best in class so far so I figure the rest have to be just as good! I just have a couple of daily drivers right now too. No toy right now because I want to pay my house off first.


This stuff is like the Borg! There is no help coming for you because resistance is futile!


If the daily special has anything to do with waterless wash the next couple of days I will have to take a little vacation from the Internet.

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