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Plus the volunteer moderators (Rich, MarylandTDI, Chris Toth, Teresa, Chewy) who are on all the time... given the volume of posting on this forum we've got more coverage than we need.


Wait... Why do I have to be last on the list? I think it's a conspiracy to keep me down. :lolsmack:

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The best part of Junkman's corner was that all of his tutoring sessions were logically ordered and easy to find with one favorite bookmark.


While I get what you're saying, our forums are organized into very specific sub sections (washing/drying, claying, Polishing, waxing, etc) each of these specific sub categories has all of AJ's content, still stickied at the top.


So if you need info on machine polishing - BOOM - machine polishing section sticked at the top is the video you want, along with all the other pertinent posts and discussions of the same topic.


I can almost guarantee my year salary that the reason he is not a moderator is because he doesn't have the section anymore. There isn't anything for him to moderate.


Give the girl a prize! If you guys ever noticed the bulk of any moderating done by AJ was in his section... we now have our team members (Me, Mook, Ashley, Lynn, Adam, Mario, Chris) all on at varying levels of involvement and times of day.


Plus the volunteer moderators (Rich, MarylandTDI, Chris Toth, Teresa, Chewy) who are on all the time... given the volume of posting on this forum we've got more coverage than we need.


As Rich said, don't assume anything, especially when you don't know what else is coming down the pipe. A lot of what is being insinuated and assumed right now will seem awfully silly come April. :thumbsup:

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Wait... Why do I have to be last on the list? I think it's a conspiracy to keep me down. :lolsmack:


I thought the saying was "save the best for last"?

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I can't believe this is still going on.......SO HOW ABOUT THEM DODGERS???? :)


I can believe it. Why do you think people watch reality shows on TV? Unnecessary drama.

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How many of you wear tinfoil on your head? :D


I've been lucky enough to be part of this forum for a few years now, and what Dylan posted on this thread is the same thing he told all of us admin. As an owner of a company with 160+ employee's, I see it all the time. People just expect you to be lying to them. Nothing we can say will make you believe us, So keep on theorizing what's happened. It's fun for all of us to read. :banana:



(not an Adams employee)

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Is there something else going on? Probably. Is it any of our business? No.


Ding ding ding, winner winner chicken dinner :D


The national council on physical fitness would love this thread, lots of jumping going on, jumping to conclusions :jester:



I'll always be as big a fan of AJ as I am of Adam, and I am a BIG fan. As far as I'm concerned they are peas and carrots. Always have been and always will be.

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Tried to stay away from this thread, but here goes...


It is what it is!!!! The more people talk and assume, the more the pot gets stirred up. I was always told that ASSUMPTION is the mother of all EVIL!! And that you know what that makes of all of us....


I started trying Adams from watching AJ's videos at work for about a week while I pondered my pending order from another Company in South Florida. I cancelled my order from the other company and have been ordering from Adams since.


Now that in no way means that I will stop using Adams because there could be a issue or what ever it may be with AJ and Adams. Who Knows??? But I am hooked with the products. I Had a question and emailed Adam one day. He replied right back along with Dylan. I have also received alot of help with things from AJ. He is a great cat, and I can relate to him alot,, maybe its the Devil Dog connection. Marines think alike...... Watching The Junkman Videos is like Tech Training to me. AJ knows what I mean there... :cheers:


Bottom Line: Stop reading into things... I will still buy my Adams products, and will still look forward to help from the Adams crew along with any input I can get from the Detailing Devil Dog Extraordinaire.....



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I honestly feel the more we theorize about what has happened, the more trouble it'll lead to. Things can be said both ways, ideas about the why/how/when can go both ways - it's just mess right now. I feel like we should give the Adam's crew and the Junkman some privacy and space right now to figure out things amongst themselves and then tell us what has occurred. If they do not wish to tell us, that's their choice and they have every right for it. Let us just be respectful of their privacy.

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I can almost guarantee my year salary that the reason he is not a moderator is because he doesn't have the section anymore. There isn't anything for him to moderate.


Additionally, I'd bet my retirement that this happening is NOT because A.J. has his own methods vs Adams method. Everyone should know that Adam would never act in such a manner to make changes of this nature because of a "method". Shame on anyone who would think Adam is that low of a person.


Is there something else going on? Probably. Is it any of our business? No. Technically no one had to tell the members here anything.


sent via Tapatalk....

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So here is my take on how I see it. Some may not like my thoughts, and I personally wouldn't be suprised if my post is deleted and or this thread locked. If it is it will just add credence to anothers post of "I am starting to feel I must drink the koolaid or go to a different forum...". I think there is a lot more to the issue than what is being said. I may be wrong, but usually not. And no Iam not trying to stir the pot. Just not feeling complete openess when it comes to the issue at hand. Read further and you will see why.


The Junkman more than anybody else when it comes to the internet introduced more people to the Adams line than anybody else. Why do I say this? A fair amount of people that post for the first time usually say something along the lines of "I was looking for a solution to (insert problem here) and came across the Junkmans videos on YouTube, which in turn led me here".


So the above explanation leads me to my first question. If Adams was concerned with the fine line of the Junkman of not being an employee, did they ask him to remove his videos on the internet that have helped so many? That heavily promote the Adams line. After all he isn't an employee. I notice on some of the other forums AJ still has coupon code "junkman for 10% off " just as Dylan does, in his signature. Dylans however says "camaro5 for 10% off" as an example. Iam sure there are others out there. And I know I could find them. Did they ask him to remove that coupon code info? Probably not. If anything this is probably where the fine line was crossed and confused so many with the thought of him being an employee. I never saw Junkman@adams.com anywhere. It actually suprised me that it prompted a link. I however personally have never seen it. I would think that Adams would be greatful for the free advertising and the time the AJ put forth in his videos to promote the product line in such a positive way. He not only made it fun to watch, but also explained everything in an easy to understand way.


There may have been the Junkmans way of doing things and the Adams way of doing things. I never saw AJ mislead anybody that screwed something up. He was always very enthusiastic about teaching, and helping people achieve their best shine. Which in turn made the person that was learning from him that they to could do it. My point is that there was two ways to get from point A to point B. Neither one was wrong. Some just made more sense to others. As Iam sure there are some out there that did things the Adams way.


Now this is what leads me to believe there is more going on that what is being exposed. Adams was concerned with fine line of the Junkman being construed as an employee, but I know notice that they also have removed his status as moderator. Why? Does that mean the other mods are employees? Probably not. I personally feel there is an underlying issue here that caused this course of action.


I personally wouldn't be suprised if the junkman is gone for a while. Can I blame him? Absolutely not.


Again I may be reading into things. But as I stated above, usually not. And it is not my intention to make anybody mad. After all were all adults, or so I would hope. I just usually tear everything apart and am one that isn't afraid to ask questions, and the above are some questions that I feel are fair to ask. :cheers:

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In case I was not clear in previous post:

I purchased Adam's products solely because of the Junkman's training and techniques posts. He single handily got me interested in the art of machine polishing.


I'm a bit late to the thread but I've read all the posts so far.. I obviously don't have to repeat what's already been repeated about the situation about five times, and I wasn't planning on posting anything, however, posts like this start up the rumor mill and cause more drama.


I understand how the Junkman and his training techniques got you to this point, and I hope you really like Adam's products as much as I do and everyone else on this forum. However, I think making such a statement in an obvious effort to gain more attention and cause more drama is childish and ignorant. Please, let those involved do what they need to, it is of course their business. If you are now all of a sudden going to stop purchasing Adam's products, I guess no one is stopping you, but making such a decision without knowing the full facts, that again is pretty low.


Just my opinion, of course. Please, lets not add more to this situation, leave it how it is and wait for the outcome from the Adam's crew, the ones actually in charge.

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