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Here's our first house. Bought it as a foreclosure and basically stole it compared to what our neighbors paid. Love it so far...




Niiiiiiice house. Especially for a "starter" home!

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^^^ Thanks alot! We were very patient and thorough with our search and after almost 2 years of looking, we decided to try foreclosures, and the rest of the story got pretty interesting. Long story short, we were 2 minutes late to the court auction of the house and missed out on it. We left devastated and on the way home decided we couldnt just walk away from it without a fight. We turned around, confronted the buyer and turns out, he was just a contractor looking to flip it. We negotiated right there a price that included new appliances, landscaping, fixtures, any misc repairs and paint colors of our choice in every room. All that got rolled into our mortage and we still came out waaaayyyy waaayyy cheaper than new construction. A 15 year loan at 4%, along with paying nearly double payments each month, we plan to have it paid off in less than 8 yrs. God willing I will be 35 yrs old with a paid for house in an outstanding neighborhood. The American Dream!!!

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We paid $340K for ours.. :(




It's a SUPER nice looking house, but WOW! 340,000? Real-estate isn't cheap in your area man!


Doin a little sprucing up around our humble abode:


Looks great man! I think we're going to put a fence like that in our back yard and put in a sprinkler system this year too.


We need a fence to keep the kid wrangled! Dog too! lol

Edited by Chewy
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Wow, some really nice homes on here! Wife and I are currently renting a townhouse in a condo association neighborhood. There are so many rules that I will never rent in one again. I'm in the Military so it's hard to justify buying a home for only 3 years at a time, if I could guarantee staying in one place for 6 to 10 years, it might be more worthwhile for us. Over my career i've moved from Washington to Rhode Island, then to Ohio, now to Virginia. While I was in Washington was the longest stint of not moving, and I was there as an E-3 that had to live in the barraks, so I wasn't about to be able to afford a house out there, let alone actually buying one at the time. I'm hoping to make it back out that way in the next couple of years and settle down though.

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It's a SUPER nice looking house, but WOW! 340,000? Real-estate isn't cheap in your area


Yeah he's up near NY. To be honest I'm shocked it wasn't more, looks like he's in a really nice well established area.


Of course nothing is cheap in this god forsaken hell hole the US calls New Jersey. :willy:

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It's a SUPER nice looking house, but WOW! 340,000? Real-estate isn't cheap in your area man!


Yeah he's up near NY. To be honest I'm shocked it wasn't more, looks like he's in a really nice well established area.


Of course nothing is cheap in this god forsaken hell hole the US calls New Jersey. :willy:

My taxes are a little over 8k too..

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Prices on houses during the bubble was crazy. I got a good chuckle when the bank told me my house was worth 4 times what it cost me to build. To me it is only worth what someone is willing to pay. Those that bought then I feel sorry for them. My cousin picked up a house that was a foreclosure for less than half of what the first guy bought it for. That was before they put in the yard and a pool. The yard alone is way nice, being the guy owned a landscaping business.


In regards to taxes. Mine aren't too bad. But it is frustrating knowing that I put the pieces together myself and the government makes money off of it. Oh well, what do you do.

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Our home for now, it's for sale...







Beautiful home!! .. depending on square footage & size lot this would list around or over $1 million where I live in CT. Taxes would be about 20k or higher a year ..LOL!

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Beautiful home!! .. depending on square footage & size lot this would list around or over $1 million where I live in CT. Taxes would be about 20k or higher a year ..LOL!


^^^ Agreed. We have a 2400 sq ft home that's only on 0.11 acre piece of land. We paid $500k (which was a steal) and our taxes are over $7k a year and we don't even have a garage. I love living in CT but damn it's expensive.

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Some updated pics of the new pad! It is finally coming along nicely. We are still in the process of being 'in between' our current houses...we have our current house we are living in on the market. Just waiting for that to sell so we can move our furniture over to the new place and really move in!! (we want to keep the house on the market 'staged' so it looks good for selling and not empty and desperate!lol)



New/progress pics:


Painted the old brown trim a new color, it really changed the look of the place! Also, stripped, sanded, prepped and painted the front doors







Kitchen with appliances (finally!) backsplash done and new lighting:







New ceiling fans:






Living room updates:


From this:





To this:







We can't wait to be fully moved in, settled down and living in the new place! (I can't wait to get the garage fully organized and fucntional!!)

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Figured I would get in on this. My wife and I purchased our first home in Spring 2010. The house was originally 1200 sq ft and the previous owners did a full renovation and a 1200 sq ft addition making it 2400 total sq ft. We do not have much property though and no garage :(. My wife is becoming an Art Therapist to work with children on the Autism spectrum so I sacrificed a garage for her to have her own studio to do pottery, and other art projects. Figured I would wait until we can updgrade to a larger home and this time it will have my perfect dream garage. Got the house at a steal for $500k and I'm hoping for a turn around in the market soon so we can move forward with something bigger and better in about 2-3 years from now.

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Wow Everyones Houses on Here are So Nice. Makes Me embarrassed of my 760 sqft Fixer-Upper. I definitley dont want to post pics now.


But How many 27 year olds can say they own a house outright and are 100% dept free. Not That Many.


My Wife and I purchased our House last summer for and extremly low low low price. We decided instead of spending $160-220K on a house, we would use the money we would normaly spend on a down payment and buy an entire house, put a little money and elbow grease into it and sell it in 4 years (when my wife is done with College) and make a big nice profit, use that profit to increase the budget for our next house, or use that money it do upgrades to the next house as well.


I will probably post up some before and after pics of the renovation we have planned for this summer.

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Wow Everyones Houses on Here are So Nice. Makes Me embarrassed of my 760 sqft Fixer-Upper. I definitley dont want to post pics now.


But How many 27 year olds can say they own a house outright and are 100% dept free. Not That Many.


My Wife and I purchased our House last summer for and extremly low low low price. We decided instead of spending $160-220K on a house, we would use the money we would normaly spend on a down payment and buy an entire house, put a little money and elbow grease into it and sell it in 4 years (when my wife is done with College) and make a big nice profit, use that profit to increase the budget for our next house, or use that money it do upgrades to the next house as well.


I will probably post up some before and after pics of the renovation we have planned for this summer.


That's smart man. But don't be afraid to post pics. People may give some input you may have looked over or something like that

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Absolutely gorgeous houses. I'm VERY jealous of you all. I was expecting a nice raise this year to set me up for a home purchase later this year. We had a killer year, are up a lot and well, to put it nicely, I got screwed :(


I was planning on doing the 'garage mod' for both of my rides but looks like that won't happen for a while. Hope I can get something then if gas isn't $400 a gallon.

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That's smart man. But don't be afraid to post pics. People may give some input you may have looked over or something like that


Yeah I should post up some pics, Im definitely going to post up a thread about the before and afters because we have some big plans for this spring/summer.

The house was actually previously owned by my Grandparents (as a rental) and is right next door to their house. I did basically a rent to own program with them (hence why it was so cheap), basically I paid rent for a year to them and they gave the house to me. My grandparents wanted to get rid of it, but they hated to try to sell it because they are so freaked out about who their neighbors would be. I promised my Grandparents I would live there for at least 4 years (while my wife goes to college), by then they won’t be living there anymore, my Grandma has Terminal Cancer :( and my Grandpa will most likely move into an assisted living once she passes.

The House appraised out for quite a bit more than we bought it for, but In the current Market, and how bad of shape the house is in there was no way they would even get close to the Appraised value, so we got together and decided on a deal.

My Grandparents bought the house in 1962 (it was built in 1939) and they have hardly done anything to it, and my grandpa did very little in the way of upkeep so it is need of a ton of work.

So Hopefully with some work and time, we can sell it in a about 4 years and should make a pretty good profit, but until then it is going to be quite the job.

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Wow Everyones Houses on Here are So Nice. Makes Me embarrassed of my 760 sqft Fixer-Upper. I definitley dont want to post pics now.


But How many 27 year olds can say they own a house outright and are 100% dept free. Not That Many.


My Wife and I purchased our House last summer for and extremly low low low price. We decided instead of spending $160-220K on a house, we would use the money we would normaly spend on a down payment and buy an entire house, put a little money and elbow grease into it and sell it in 4 years (when my wife is done with College) and make a big nice profit, use that profit to increase the budget for our next house, or use that money it do upgrades to the next house as well.


I will probably post up some before and after pics of the renovation we have planned for this summer.



That is so smart of you guys! Good for you! Keep us posted.



Nice, Looks great! looks like you need some Audio Video Help :D:thumbsup:



Thanks~! Yeah, once we get in here I will get everything all setup and wired!

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^^^ Agreed. We have a 2400 sq ft home that's only on 0.11 acre piece of land. We paid $500k (which was a steal) and our taxes are over $7k a year and we don't even have a garage. I love living in CT but damn it's expensive.


HOLY CRAP!!! i thought where we're moving was ridiculous! the house we're building is actually cheaper than a resale of the same size in the area. there are currently 5 buyers for every house on the market! just an influx of people in the oil industry.


the one we're building is 2300 sqft on a 10,000 sqft corner lot and we're paying $350k for it. same house in Houston would be about $200k. its got a lot of upgrades though; granite countertops everywhere, real hardwood floors in the living area, upgraded stainless appliances, 3 car garage, and it'll be Energy Star Rated.

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This is one of the reasons I have not been on in a while. Selling this house after 6 yrs of refurbishing and we settle on our new home in 2 weeks

This is the house we just sold. (took almost a year to sell)


Custom wet bar





Its been a labor of love, but with a baby on the way, and an 8 month old Doberman. We need more space! Here is the house we will be getting in a couple of weeks.


I finally get my garage!:banana:

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