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Happy First Day Of Spring Everyone!


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The thing that makes me the most angry about this snow is not that we got snow is that it waited this long to come


We got a little bit of snow early in November, but then for most of November, December and January it was sunny and cold with verry little snow or rain. We did not get major snow accumulation until the end of Feb and Early March.


At this rate it will be June before I can detail my Truck


Oh yeah and it snowed this morning, its supose to be 49 today and 57 tomorrow, so this snow was all for not

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Mid 70s, sunny, and a slight breeze here in MI.


u jelly


Not jelly, im here too haha :D Actually when I get back my phone says its gunna be 82* :D haha. Sorry about the snowy first day of spring, that seems to be Michigans deal every year too, this spring/winter has just been wild, since ive been alive i cant remember a time like this. Sometimes we would get snow on my birthday (april6th), but i dont see that happening this year.

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you guys see the national temperature maps over the past couple days? record highs on the east coast and record lows on the west coast, and the mid west gets the chaos in between where the two meet!




yesterday afternoon i turned the TV on and ABC news was talking about the weather the past week is due to global warming :lol:

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