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claying ?



When claying should i do the whole car before i wipe the detail spray residue off or should i do it as i get done claying one panel at a time?Or can i go straight to polishing without wiping the deatail spray residue off?sorry if this sounds stupid just trying to see what u guys do. Any advice will be appreciated.Thanks.

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13 answers to this question

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When claying should i do the whole car before i wipe the detail spray residue off or should i do it as i get done claying one panel at a time?Or can i go straight to polishing without wiping the deatail spray residue off?sorry if this sounds stupid just trying to see what u guys do. Any advice will be appreciated.Thanks.


The answer is YES! Both those methods are fine. It is more efficient to leave it on, so folks that have 'detailed for dollars' (Adam) will use this method. I am usually not in a hurry so I wipe after each panel.

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You can leave it on or wipe it off, it doesn't affect the polishing steps. However, if you are outside (not in a garage) and it's hot out, leaving the Detail Spray residue on the car while you go to other panels may result in it drying on the surface. Not a bad thing, but you'll just have to put in a little extra work and attention later to make sure you don't have pink polka dots all over your car especially if it's a light color.


When I have to clay I do so before drying the car, and I use the Great White Drying Towel to knock off the leftover water and clay residue in one pass.

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I left the detail spray on as I clayed (clayed for the first time a few days ago). I have a white car in Las Vegas...after I was finished, the residue was dry and there was "pink stuff" all over the car. I just misted with water and it came right off with a single soft.

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I wipe each area clayed before I move to the next. No need to wash the car after claying and I have a nice clean panel to better identify scratches that may need individualized attention.

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I like leaving the clay-res on so that I have an easier indicator of what panel is next, etc.


Exactly what I was going to say.


I last worked on a buddy's gray F150 and that clay residue was my saving grace. It's so hard to tell what you're doing to gray paint without the proper lighting.

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