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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Edgeless Utility Towel Update

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Due to the issues with dye bleed from the darker dyed towels we're transitioning to a gray dyed towel that should prevent the issue from happening.


Its still recommended that the new towels be washed separately at least for the first wash, but also strongly recommend they be kept separate in wash cycles to prevent cross contamination from tasks like metal polishing.


Look for the new gray towels to begin shipping tomorrow! :2thumbs:



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Once you go black you never go back.


Hey that's the line I use for my name! :D


Just when I thought I didn't need to order anything, I guess I have an excuse to order some new Utility Towels now.

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Why not just a completely dye-less towel? Is it that hard to tell the difference between these towels and the single/double if these were white too?


Then we'd be able to make our own gray utility towels by washing them with the black ones.

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Then don't wash them with the black ones? Isn't that what you have to do with the black ones and now the gray ones anyways? Sorry not trying to be annoying just not seeing why if dye is an issue, it's still used.

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No, I agree with you. I'd prefer dye-less if I were designing them. I was just trying to make a joke about how the old ones turn things gray. If these new gray ones have a more stable color though, that's a step in the right direction.

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Why not just a completely dye-less towel? Is it that hard to tell the difference between these towels and the single/double if these were white too?


People freak out when they get dye transfer and their white towels turn gray... how do you think they'd like it if their white utility towels got bad grease stains or metal polish residue that wouldn't come off.


Can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time... by going to a gray we find a happy medium. A towel thats unlikely to transfer dye, but still wont show stains as badly as white. :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the reply Dylan, I see what you're saying. Just weird to me how people would freak from a dirty towel, when of course it'll get dirty if you use it for cleaning (it's purpose).


Oh well, great to see you guys listening to customers.

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Adams is in a league of their own...I can't stop...tomorrow I got a big order of towels I'm placing...4 gwdt, 5 of the utility towels, 2 double softs, 2 single soft and 1 single soft comes with the quick sealant kit I'm ordering as well...I love towels...


Tapa Mobile..

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