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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Makes you scratch your head.... (Updated)


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Well I never did hear back from the Porsche dealer after I emailed and called Friday expressing my interest in purchasing my wife's dream car (Porsche 911 Turbo). Saturday morning I decided to take a ride over to the dealership, but not before making a call to another dealership about 60 miles away. I told the other dealer what had happened and expressed my interest in purchasing the automobile from them if they could get the car transferred. I arrived at the local dealer and took the car for a test drive then started the game of playing with the numbers. After about an hour I threw the salesman out a low ball number. His response "I knew this was a waste of my time, that's why I don't waste my time with emails and phone calls." At that I laughed and like a perfect script, I over heard the GM in the next office discussing the 911 I was looking at. It was the other dealer asking about trading cars. The GM walked into the office and asked if I was interested in the car at $XXXX because if not, he was going to trade the car to another dealer because they had a buyer. At that I said no thanks with a big smile and walked out.


About 30 minutes later I got a call from the other dealer saying that he had agreed to trade for the car I was interested in. I immediately drove the 60 miles to sign the papers, while a rep drove down to pick up the car from the local dealer. After arriving, I noticed another 911 on their lot (Base model) same color, but black interior compared to the wife's tan interior. Feeling daring, I pulled the trigger on both and purchased the base 911 for my daughter and the Turbo for my wife. They loaded the base car on a trailer and followed me back home and when I pulled up the Turbo was waiting for me in my driveway.


Now, that is what I call service. The best part is by the time the rep got to my local dealer, they we closing and they were unable to get the second key and books for the car. I stopped by today with the Turbo to pick up the other key and books. I went right up to the front desk and asked for the GM. When he approached me he said "Sorry buddy the car is gone." I said "No buddy it's right there. I purchased it an hour after I left and also picked up a second 911. BIG MISTAKE.... HUGE MISTAKE! Maybe you should have your people starting answering emails and returning calls.


It was priceless!!!!!


I'll post pictures this weekend after I finish their virgin details.

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So you spent 160k-340k in one afternoon.



Would you be willing to adopt someone slightly older than 18?


Trying to jump start the economy. LOL.... After having a health scare a couple of years ago, I realize that you can't take it with you and seeing my ladies with smiles from ear to ear will be a memory I'll never forget. It was worth every penny and then some.

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Trying to jump start the economy. LOL.... After having a health scare a couple of years ago, I realize that you can't take it with you and seeing my ladies with smiles from ear to ear will be a memory I'll never forget. It was worth every penny and then some.


Well more power to you man! Enjoy it while it lasts.

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I can't like your post enough. That's awesome. Customer service has really been going downhill with some businesses here in the USA lately. The few companies who take the time and listen are where its at. My business has even stopped using customer service and adpoted customer care as the verbage.

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1) Well done! Been there... and the best revenge is to simply show them where they screwed up with a smile on your face. I bet they're kicking themselves right now.


2) I'm with Mook... for the next few hours I hate you, but purely out of jealousy. Next time you're car shopping call me first - I could use an impulse buy porsche in my life :)

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TWO 911's?


I hate your face for the next fifteen minutes! Congrats on the purchases sir! We all know Porsche and Adam's Premium Car Care Products play REAL nice together!




Gearing up for the first wash and detail tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed it doesn't rain. Pictures to follow.

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That's not one of Benson's dealerships is it? They gotta make that money to pay Brees now.:jester:

Congratulations on being able to do that for your ladies. If they're driving 911s, what is your ride?

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Didn't get to wash either of the cars this weekend. The weather has been terrible. Here is a picture of my daughters. Needless to say my wife took hers out to pick up dinner. Leaving for vacation for two weeks, so I will post picks once I get back and treat them both to their first wash.




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That's not one of Benson's dealerships is it? They gotta make that money to pay Brees now.:jester:

Congratulations on being able to do that for your ladies. If they're driving 911s, what is your ride?


No, Benson doesn't have the Porsche dealership. He gave it up for the Smart Car dealership about three years ago. What a dumb a$$. Typical Benson. The dealership here in Metairie/New Orleans is Ray Brandt. If you are from here I need not say anything further. The Baton Rouge guys were top notch. As for my ride, here is one that I got last October. It's been in the shop for the past two months. They are having issues getting a part from Italy after the earthquake hit back in May and closed down the Lambo and Ferrari factories.



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