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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Vertical/Lambo Doors


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I made the trip in two days, and came back in one. Lupe is the man, he did it in 7 hours. and I just hung out and watched him and played online. He charges 1600 parts and labor installed, but since I came from so far he did it for 1400 cash. But I spent that in gas and hotels easily.

Here is a shot of them open in my garage.


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Sitting here wondering if I could open those doors in my garage and how long it would take me to get to Texas.


:lol: that red camaro really looks good with those doors. The silver doesnt work for me quite as well, as I always tend to think of silver as a more low-key color. But hey, it sure looks like nice work. :thumbsup:

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Weather we like them or not does not matter. It is your car, so as long as it is what you want that is what matters. If we all had the same taste in cars and mods this sure would be a dull place, except of course the agreement on the shine issue.

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Had a set on my cavalier and so glad I got rid of them. Traded them for a turbo. The shocks would fail, sometimes hard to pull down depending on temp. lined up perfect 100% 1/5 times... they were a neat novelty but to me got old after a few months.


Glad you like them though. Thats what matters.

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Sorry I saved this picture years ago and have been waiting for a chance to use it. :lol: Not my cup of tea but it does look good.

I have always wondered if the safety of the vehicle is compromised by modifying the doors though.


Lol true


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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