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Remembering 9/11


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I don't know if anything has been posted on the forum yet, but I thought I might get some posts going to honor those brave men and women that were selfless heros on that tragic day and remember the countless innocent souls we lost.


I remember when it happened I was sitting in class in high school, everything just immediately stopped and tv's were flicked on. I vividly remember people running, screaming, and crying down the halls since many of my classmate's parents worked at the Pentagon, only 25 miles away, they had no idea if their parents were victims. I remember driving by and seeing the devastation a few weeks later and it was absolutely numbing.


Give thanks for what we have and for those that protect and serve for our freedom. :patriot:

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‎11 Years ago today, and 14 minutes ago, our world was changed forever. This exact minute that time ago changed the lives of millions forever. 343 men who started their shift did not know that it would be their last shift, they just knew they would be doing their job how they were trained.


Take a minute out of your day to think about who you are angry at and think if this was your last day, is that how you would want to go out.


Remember the 343 that paid the ultimate sacrifice that just might have saved 1 more person because of what they did.


Remember the countless thousands that died and the millions that were affected these past 11 years.


Just give them a minute of your time, they earned it! Today is a day you see a lot of grown men cry... me included. But they deserve more than just tears.



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I was in bed, and my girlfriend (now wife), woke me up to say some idiots just ran a plane into the WTC. I turned the TV on just in time to see Tower 2 being ran into.


I can't imagine the pain and suffering those poor people have had to endure. Thoughts and prayers to everyone.

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I was working on a high rise when the foreman came up and says"some idiot just crashed his plane into a building in NYC,how the hell does that happen",then about 40 minutes later there was complete silence on the job so I find out where everyone is at. I asked what was going on thinking someone got hurt on the site,nobody answered as they were all listening to the radio. After an hour or so we were told to go home and like many I watched the tv all day in utter shock. My step dad was a Chicago Firefighter that just retired and I called to see how he was dealing with the firemen that lost their lives and was told that he jumped in his van and was driving to NYC to help,he spent the next 10 days cooking,washing gear and handing out water.That really struck me and since seeing his unselfishness I have tried to help out our men and women that serve us in any capacity,there were many heroes during that time and I think about that day often.:patriot: :patriot:

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Never Forget:patriot::patriot:


I remember it like it was yesterday. I too was in High School it was my senior year and I went to school a little early and walked into my Physics class to set down my back pack and a couple of teachers were staring at the TV in the room and I asked whats going on, and one of the teachers said that Terrorist ran a plane into the world trade center and one of the towers just colapsed. I was in complete shock, I was there in just enough time to watch the second one come down. I just remember that I was speechless and had not clue what to think. I was angry yet extremely sad and worried about everyone there. I remember that whole day not a single teacher taught anything every class room had a TV and all we did was watch the TV all day, and hardly a word was said all day. I will never forget that day as long as I live.

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I was up late last night watching a documentary on H2 (History 2) channel called 9/11 The Days After. It was all raw videos and interviews of everything that happened moments right after the buildings came down and thru the next week. It was extremely honest, graphic, emotional, and so much more.


Thoughts and prayers to everyone who was involved and effected. :patriot:

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Always remembered and never forgotten


I know 2 people who lost their lives that day and I watched it on TV at work.

I watched all those hero's running into help save people they did not even know. Did not matter what ethnic background, religion or color you were Everyone was an American that day

Remember ..Respect ALL the American hero's that sacrifice their lives everyday to save us , protect us and keep our freedoms. :patriot:



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U.S.S. Carl Vinson, Carrier Air Wing 11, Fighter Attack Squadron 22 (Fighting Redcocks of VFA-22 - F/A-18C, Lot 12 birds) rounding the tip of India on our way to the North Arabian Sea (Persian Gulf) for continued (since Desert Shield/Desert Storm) enforcement of the southern No Fly zone in Iraq (Operation Southern Watch). On October 7th 2001 the Vinson launched the first of more than 4,200 combat sorties on those godless bottom feeding S.O.B.'s. to kick off Operation Enduring Freedom. The Redcock's alone put down over 300 TONS of conventional ordinance. Mk-82's (500 lb), GBU-12's (Laser Guided 500 lb), Mk-83's (1000 lb), GBU-16's (Laser guided 1000 lb), Mk-84's (2000 lb), GBU-10's (Laser guded 2000 lb). Yeah, I remember.

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Me and my family were on a sabbatical at the time and traveling the US and Canada in a motor home. We entered Rocky Mountain National Park late morning on 9/11 and the ranger at the fee station told us that both WTC towers were gone. I remember thinking that was impossible. We had stood underneath those massive monuments barely 2 months earlier....

We spent the rest of the day hiking through the NP without paying much attention to the beautiful nature around us. I had the world radio on my ear all day and I also remember how eery it was not to see a single plane in the sky. Staying at NP campgrounds all week, we didn't get to see the horrible images until days later. Never Forget.

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I was driving into work listening the local sports radio station. They had mentioned a plane crashed into the WTC. I got to work and asked my co-workers and they had no idea. About 10 minute later our spouses and family started calling in and talking about it. We all gather around my co-workers IMac and watched the CNN video feed with our jaws dropped. Everytime I look at the clock and see 343 I think of the firement that lost their lives on that day. I will never forget that day. It still brings a tear to my eye when I seen those building completely collapse thinking about who was inside at the time.

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I remember staying home from high school that day. My father woke me, put on the tv and we just watched in horror. We watched the second plane hit and felt helpless. I will never forget 9/11. It still gets to me as i think of all the people that lost theirs lives. And others that gave their lives to save others. I will never forget what happened and neither should anyone else. God bless America :patriot:

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Never forget. :patriot: Besides the horrors of that day, I remember the surge of patriotism and how all Americans seemed to put aside our petty differences and come together. Too bad that turned out to be temporary, but it did remind us that there are still plenty of heroes around, and we can all work together if we choose to.

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Isn't it amazing, we all remember where we were that tragic day? I remember my spot....exactly.....I WILL NEVER FORGET. My promise as an American to all who died, were injured, and who saved thousands that day: TO REMEMBER. ALWAYS.


As I sit here and watch the Remember 9/11 documentary on the History Channel, 11 years after the cowardly attack on helpless Americans, and citizens of dozens of other nations, I can only feel an utter sense of anger, and sadness for those lost that day.


America was attacked 11 years ago today.




Edited by Adam
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The wierd thing for me, is that it all happened on a Tuesday. Same day of the week as the 11 year anniversary. I remember getting ready for work that day and hearing about it on the news. The streets where like ghost towns that day. Business' where closed up. Customers where telling me what was happening as I made my deliveries that day. A co-worker of mine lost his brother in one of the towers that day as well.


No planes in the air for several days seemed surreal. While at work, I often look to the sky and watch the contrails produced by the jets flying over head. There were none. I had a vacation scheduled the following month (October). I had flown shortly before 9-11 as well, and to see the increased security was strange.


NASA - New York City on September 11, 2001


NASA - Multimedia - Video Gallery

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I was in high school, a sophomore.. I was in my Electronics and Communications class that morning. We had the news on the monitors as we normally do while we're working on project and saw everything as soon as it was televised. I remember seeing the second plane hit while they were talking about the first and obviously watching the rest. I will NEVER FORGET what happened on this sad day in history. Like others have mentioned, when watching the documentaries and seeing the videos again, brings forward the anger thats been subdued and will always be there.



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