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Are you a mobile Adam's shopper?

Do you shop at Adamspolishes.com from your mobile device?  

83 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you shop at Adamspolishes.com from your mobile device?

    • Yes, occasionally (1-5 purchases via mobile per year)
    • Yes, sometimes (6-10 purchases via mobile per year)
    • Yes, frequently (11+ purchases via mobile per year)
    • I would but its difficult to navigate on my mobile device
    • Never. I don't shop on my mobile device

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In our never ending goal to keep our customers happy with the products, service, site, and interaction we're looking to get some feedback on those of you who shop from your phone or mobile device. Please vote in the poll above and feel free to leave any comments in this thread.


All suggestions and input will be looked at seriously as we're trying to give you guys a great all around experience.


NOTE - this pertains ONLY to the adamspolishes.com store, not the forums. A new skin for the forums is coming with updated mobile compatibility.

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I get the daily special update subscription and it's connected to my email. I will browse the special on my phone and if I decide to order I'll go on my laptop.


It's much easier to impulse buy on a bigger screen.



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Call me a Luddite, but I wouldn't buy another thing over the mobile phone again. After getting Tapatalk I watched my credit card like a hawk just waiting for that mystery hacker to get me. (Adjusts tin foil hat.) When I purchase Adam's it's on the old reliable pc, at the local dealer or at a show like Bloomington Gold. I know I'm probably the exception but that's my $0.02.

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I've used my phone on almost every purchase. I always use it to check shipping status.

No iPhone bashing but you all have one and speak of issues. No issues here, android.


On a side note, when I send customers disclosure packages with attachments, people with mobile Apple products always have issues.


I am all for a phone app.


tap a talka thingy

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