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What your weakest detailing skill?



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I know this has nothing to do with Adam's, but I would love to have more attempts at applying and mastering protective films. I see Phil is his crew over at Detailers Domain doing this all the time and it's one of the skills I'd love to have under my belt to offer to clients.


I haven't wet sanded for a while, so I guess that could be a weak point for me at the moment.


As for Adam's products, I've been using so much of all the products all the time lately I am confident with all of the steps. And if I get caught with something then I have the Instructional Videos or this awesome forum for support. :thumbsup:

Edited by JBlack151
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I've never actually done any of the higher level stuff like badge/stripe removal or anything like that....


I know this makes me look like a total amateur but cleaning glass is so friggin' tough....who knew it would be so challenging to get something perfectly clear :mad:


Also I still tend to go a little heavy on product usage...especially waxing.


Practice makes perfect, maybe some day i'll be up there with the big dogs! :bow:

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The details. ;) I'll miss a piece of trim here and there, or only clean one side mirror and leave the other spotty...i've cleaned the interior only to find i didn't wipe down he turn signal knob. Yesterday, I did the interior windows, but neglected the passenger side portion of the windshield...because screw that guy. :mad: That kind of stuff.


I've gotten much better hanging around here. :D

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I have a pretty good handle on most of the work, but I do horrible at estimating how long something will take! I got within 15 minutes on a job on Thursday, so maybe I am getting better with that!

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im on the other side, wet sanding on ferrari's make the learning curve go fast haha. So i got wet sanding down out of pure fear haha. Right now though I would say working with pneumatic rotary, idk what is is but its been messing with me lately. That and watching pad angles in small places like 430 air inlets and sharp curved places. btw GREAT thread idea, not something i would of thought of. forgot to add I am weak at only doing the certain things people pay for, I usually way overwork everything from my OCD haha.

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