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Before I die I want to know...


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I worked for an insurance company that use to give them out and then wave the comp deductible if you hit a deer and had the deer whistles on your car. The program lasted a year. I think they finally figured out that the deer whistles worked like a duck call.

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Steve, a former coworker, totaled his early '80's MOPAR hitting Bambi on the way to work. Bambi jumped but didn't clear the car and instead took out windshield, A pillar, side windows and roof on the passenger side. Same coworker borrows the wife's Olds with Bambi whistles on it. Bambi struck again on the same road with vehicle #2 totaled. Steve said the difference was that the herd was crossing the road at a trot but that two stopped and looked right at his vehicle leaving him no place to go.

BTW: This was in 1986, perhaps the technology has improved in the last 25 years...:lol:

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I'm sure God is listening to our prayers, I would have never met so many wonderful people during my life if he wasn't, I've always consider that a reward. Also, I know we have guardian angels. I've been in way, way too many situations that I shouldn't have walked away from, so I know there was an angel (or 2) keeping a hand on my shoulder...I can guarantee.

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Everyone knows who saw that video, they just need to move the deer crossings so the deer dont cross on the busy parts of the road... then we wont need deer whistles... duh.


That was something, that video.:lol::lol::lol: And remember these people Vote:mad:


I think the deer whistle attract the deer:willy:

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Before I die, I want to know if there is life on other planets...and if God is listening to our prayers......


Can't answer the first part, but know for SURE that He hears every single one and answers them. His answer might not be the one you wanted to hear, but His purpose comes before our own. :thumbsup:

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I believe there has to be other life out there someplace; mankind must be humble and accept that there can be other life and greater knowledge beyond our limited field of view. And I believe that faith in God comes not from whether your prayers are heard and answered, but more in how you accept and respond the circumstances you are handed in this life.

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