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Someone gave my wife some MF Towels...


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My wife sent me a text yesterday from work about some towels she was given. I could tell by the way she was writing the text, she was laughing while writing it. EVEN SHE KNOWS about quality microfiber. At the end of the text, she wrote that I would get a kick out of them when she brought them home. I almost told her not to bother, but curiosity got the better of me.


Take a look at the packaging of these 'Micro Fiber Colth'. Sheesh. Not only are these things garbage, but just take a look at all the grammatical and spelling errors on the packaging. Honestly, all you really need to read is 'Made in China' and that will tell the whole story. But fear not, they have a 'warrantee'. I'm sure they are guaranteed to ruin any and everything they touch.





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I honestly find it sad and distressing that there are a lot of people in this country that will actually spend money on stuff like this that is so clearly junk. I mean really-- are people SO cheap and or/stupid that they think there's any value in something like this?


Rant over. As you were...

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I need to figure out something creative to do with these to dispose of them. I don't even want them around the house for fear that someone at some point will forget that they are garbage and end up ruining something by wiping with these. Maybe I'll do the CD test later tonight and post pics of the carnage, just for giggles.

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I honestly find it sad and distressing that there are a lot of people in this country that will actually spend money on stuff like this that is so clearly junk. I mean really-- are people SO cheap and or/stupid that they think there's any value in something like this?


Rant over. As you were...


short answer.....




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I need to figure out something creative to do with these to dispose of them. I don't even want them around the house for fear that someone at some point will forget that they are garbage and end up ruining something by wiping with these. Maybe I'll do the CD test later tonight and post pics of the carnage, just for giggles.


You should do a cd test with them just for the entertainment value

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Take them to work and leave them in the restroom. Someone might find them as a good substitute to the single ply stuff that is usually available in a public restroom.


I would rather use 100 grit USA-made sandpaper than these Chinese-made "towels".

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