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Detail for Car Show


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I will be attending a car show tomorrow. It is called the Ultimate Corvette and Chevy Show. They are expecting around 500 cars. So I thought I might want to get the car ready. I was lucky, as I did a complete detail in Aug. clay, polish, glaze and Americana. So this time was just a wash, followed by Brilliant Glaze and then a nice coat of Americana. Also spent some time on the interior as well as the wheel wells. Here are the results.


Interior shots,






Engine Bay,






Wheel Wells











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Looks like shes ready to go! My advice (based on judging and participating in shows in socal for awhile)


  1. Hood open. Judges will deduct points for having it closed.
  2. Windows down if you intend to use the interior to your advantage. The other option is to leave a door open, but then you get people possibly messing with your car which is not cool. If doors are closed and windows are up judges will give you a 0 for the interior.
  3. A clean stock interior beats a dirty custom interior all day... displaying your interior (clean) is always a +
  4. Don't hover during judging. If you see the judges coming around WALK AWAY! They'll evaluated your car more completely when they think no one is looking.
  5. Post pictures of your trophies here :D

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Thanks Dylan, but I am an old hand at shows and I also act as a judge at our annual Corvette show. But everything you say is right on the money. Only one show that I kept the windows closed and that was a show where the weather was not that good and the Oak trees were dropping those brown seed pods, so we were told to keep it closed up and open when the judge arrived.

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Better get the Detail Spray and a couple of micros handy to wipe off all that "drool" that's coming your way. Including MINE! :drool::drool::drool:

Wow! That thing is beautiful! Good luck with the show. :cheers:

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Thanks everyone for the compliments, and thanks to the great results we all get with Adams, I not only won in my class (Corvette 2005-2009), but also overall Peoples Choice Corvette Class. As this was a Corvette and Chevy show there were 4 different People's Choice awards, Chevrolet, Truck, Custom and Corvette.



Edited by TR6speed
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